というNBER論文をメンジー・チンらが上げている。原題は「The Predictive Power of the Term Spread and Financial Variables for Economic Activity across Countries」で、著者はMenzie D. Chinn(ウィスコンシン大学マディソン校 )、Laurent Ferrara(スケマ・ビジネス・スクール*1)。チンはEconbrowserで解説を行っているほか、ungated版にリンクしている。
This paper has explored the importance of the yield spread in forecasting recessions and future industrial production growth. Generally speaking, in-sample results suggest the yield spread is indeed important and has significant predictive power when both recessions and growth over one-year time horizon are considered, even in a recent period where the conventional wisdom holds for decreased explanatory power (e.g., Chinn and Kucko, 2015).
Interestingly, the spread is not a particularly reliable predictor of industrial production growth over the sample period. This is in line with Chinn and Kucko’s finding that relative to the 1970-1997 period, spreads were less predictive of IP growth. Nonetheless, a higher spread is associated with a lower probability of recession.
Contrary to speculation in Chinn and Kucko, the spread (along with short rate) remains a significant predictor of US recessions and growth, despite the extended adoption of a zero interest rate policy (ZIRP). That finding does not detract from the fact that other financial variables prove to be important for the US (and sometimes, more important, as is the case for the foreign term spread).
We also find that adding financial variables like the foreign term spread and the debt service ratio often leads to a strong improvement in the goodness-of-fit of models as measured by the Pseudo-R2 or the area under the ROC curve (AUC). Especially, models for Canada and the US turn out to be extremely good at both horizons of 6 and 12 months.
The results we obtained in the out-of-sample forecasting exercises were less informative regarding the reliability of the models. To the extent that market participants did not ascribe any measurable probability to a public health emergency of the magnitude experienced, it seems a comparison of out-of-sample fit is inappropriate. In terms of assessing whether the post-lockdown period was explainable by financial variables, it’s not clear that they are able to track industrial production growth.
We tried to expand the set of countries examined to include some emerging markets. In general recessions as defined by a methodology similar to that adopted by the NBER were not well predicted in Brazil, India, China, South Africa and Korea. Industrial production growth was predictable to a limited degree in India, China and Korea, although the set of financial variables that were relevant differed between each country. Hence, we conclude that extrapolation to the stylized facts we find in high income economies to emerging market economies is unwise.
本稿は景気後退と将来の工業生産の伸びを予測する上でのイールドスプレッドの重要性を追究した。全般的に、インサンプルの結果が示すところによれば、イールドスプレッドは実際に重要であり、1年後の景気後退と成長を見る場合には有意な予測力を有している。これは、説明力が減少したという従来の知見が成立する最近の時期(例、Chinn=Kucko, 2015*2)においてもそうである。
*1:Skema Business School - Wikipedia。
*4:Debt service ratio - Wikipediaや日英統計用語集(2008年2月 (追加作成)) 金融統計 債務返済比率 : DEBT SERVICE RATIO | 詳細情報 | 政府統計の総合窓口にあるような定義ではなく、参照しているBorio, et al.(2020)の「the debt service ratio (DSR), defined as interest payments plus amortisation divided by GDP」の定義を用いているものと思われる。
*5:cf. Pseudo-R-squared - Wikipedia。
*6:cf. 受信者操作特性 - Wikipedia。
*7:この文章はやや分かりにくいが、本文の経済成長予測の節では「We restrict our analysis to 1995-2019 in order to avoid data encompassing the pandemic. If we believe the onset of the pandemic and associated public health measures were largely a surprise, we would not anticipate market expectations to incorporate the severity of the downturn.」と述べている。