
というNBER論文が上がっている。原題は「The Debauchery of Currency and Inflation: Chile, 1970-1973」で、著者はSebastian Edwards(UCLA)。

In this essay, I analyze Salvador Allende’s economic policies in Chile during the early 1970s. I argue that the explosion of inflation during his administration (above 1,500% on a six-month annualized measure) was predictable, and that the government’s response to it, through massive and strict price controls, generated acute macroeconomic imbalances. I postulate that the combination of runaway inflation, shortages, and black markets generated major disaffection among the middle class and that that unhappiness reduced the support for the Unidad Popular government.

ちなみに7月時点のWPの要旨では、末尾の「that unhappiness reduced the support for the Unidad Popular government」の後に「and paved the way to the coup d’état in September 1973」という文言があったが、上のNBER版では削られている(シカゴ・ボーイズに気兼ねしたわけでもないだろうが…*1)。
