
というNBER論文が上がっているungated版)。原題は「Hidden Exposure: Measuring US Supply Chain Reliance」で、著者はRichard Baldwin(国際経営開発研究所)、Rebecca Freeman(イングランド銀行)、Angelos Theodorakopoulos(アストン・ビジネス・スクール)。

Supply chain problems, previously relegated to specialized journals, now appear in G7 Leaders’ Communiqués. Our paper looks at three core elements of the problems: measurement of the links that expose supply chains to disruptions, the nature of the shocks that cause the disruptions, and the criteria for policy to mitigate the impact of disruptions. Utilizing global input-output data, we show that US exposure to foreign suppliers, and particularly to China, is ‘hidden’ in the sense that it is much larger than what conventional trade data suggest. However, at the macro level, exposure remains relatively modest, given that over 80% of US industrial inputs are sourced domestically. We argue that many recent shocks to supply chains have been systemic rather than idiosyncratic. Moreover, systemic shocks are likely to arise from climate change, geoeconomic tensions, and digital disruptions. Our principal conclusion is that concerns regarding supply chain disruptions, and policies to address them, should focus on individual products, rather than the whole manufacturing sector.



いずれにおいても、1990年代半ばには日本が相当の割合を占めていたのが、2010年後半には大きく比率を下げたことが見て取れる(本文では言及されていないが、これはこの間に現地化が進んだことも大きいように思われる)。また、図では額面(face value)の数字のほか、供給者の供給者まで辿る「look through」の数字も示しているが、1990年代半ばの対米の日本の後者の数字が前者の数字よりも大きくなっていることについて本文では、「This was due to the fact that while the US was sourcing heavily from Canada, Canada was sourcing heavily from Japan. This was to be expected because Japan was the largest producer of intermediate goods outside of the US.」と説明している。

*1:本文では「By idiosyncratic we mean shocks that are isolated and limited in scope; systemic shocks, by contrast, have impacts that affect multiple sectors and regions.」と説明している。