賃金窃盗は人口統計上の集団によって違うのか? 最低賃金引き上げによる実証結果

というNBER論文が上がっているungated版)。原題は「Does Wage Theft Vary by Demographic Group? Evidence from Minimum Wage Increases」で、著者はJeffrey Clemens(UCサンディエゴ)、Michael R. Strain(アメリカン・エンタープライズ公共政策研究所)。

Using Current Population Survey data, we assess whether and to what extent the burden of wage theft — wage payments below the statutory minimum wage — falls disproportionately on various demographic groups following minimum wage increases. For most racial and ethnic groups at most ages we find that underpayment rises similarly as a fraction of realized wage gains in the wake of minimum wage increases. We also present evidence that the burden of underpayment falls disproportionately on relatively young African American workers and that underpayment increases more for Hispanic workers among the full working-age population.

*1:cf. 賃金未払い - WikipediaMiura & Partners US | News & Events

*2:本文では、「However, we also find evidence that the burden of underpayment may fall disproportionately on relatively young African American workers, for whom we estimate that each dollar in wage gain comes with 20 to 33 cents in additional underpayment, compared to around 14 cents for the population as a whole. For the full population of Hispanic workers, we find evidence of modestly larger increases in both wage gains and underpayment, such that the change in underpayment per dollar of wage gain is quite similar to what we observe for the non-Hispanic white population.」と記述されている。