というNBER論文が上がっている(ungated版)。原題は「Zero-Sum Thinking, the Evolution of Effort-Suppressing Beliefs, and Economic Development」で、著者はJean-Paul Carvalho(オックスフォード大)、Augustin Bergeron(南カリフォルニア大)、Joseph Henrich(ハーバード大)、Nathan Nunn(ブリティッシュコロンビア大)、Jonathan L. Weigel(UCバークレー)。
We study the evolution of belief systems that suppress productive effort. These include concerns about the envy of others, beliefs in the importance of luck for success, disdain for competitive effort, and traditional beliefs in witchcraft. We show that such demotivating beliefs can evolve when interactions are zero-sum in nature, i.e., gains for one individual tend to come at the expense of others. Within a population, our model predicts a divergence between material and subjective payoffs, with material welfare being hump-shaped and subjective well-being being decreasing in demotivating beliefs. Across societies, our model predicts a positive relationship between zero-sum thinking and demotivating beliefs and a negative relationship between zero-sum thinking (or demotivating beliefs) and both material welfare and subjective well-being. We test the model's predictions using data from two samples in the Democratic Republic of Congo and from the World Values Survey. In the DRC, we find a positive relationship between zero-sum thinking and the presence of demotivating beliefs, such as concerns about envy and beliefs in witchcraft. Globally, zero-sum thinking is associated with skepticism about the importance of hard work for success, lower income, less educational attainment, less financial security, and lower life satisfaction. Comparing individuals in the same zero-sum environment, we observe the divergence between material outcomes and subjective well-being predicted by our model.
ゼロサム思考についてはもう一つ「Zero-Sum Thinking and the Roots of U.S. Political Divides」というNBER論文が上がっており、上の論文の著者の一人であるNathan Nunnが共著者に名を連ねている。こちらの論文はタイラー・コーエンやFTが紹介しており、上の論文よりも話題になっているようである(FTの紹介記事についてはH/T アレックス・タバロック)。
この論文については著者の一人が解説スレッドを立てているほか、昨年12月時点のコーエンによる紹介がecon101で訳されている(いずれもH/T hicksianさんリツイート;後者のリツイートはこちら)。
*1:cf. 世界価値観調査 - Wikipedia、以前の本ブログでの同調査を用いた論文の紹介。