
というECB論文をMostly Economicsが紹介している。原題は「Using machine learning to measure financial risk in China」で、著者はAlexander Al-Haschimi(ECB)、Apostolos Apostolou(IMF)、Andres Azqueta-Gavaldon(Sensyne Health*1)、Martino Ricci(ECB)。

We develop a measure of overall financial risk in China by applying machine learning techniques to textual data. A pre-defined set of relevant newspaper articles is first selected using a specific constellation of risk-related keywords. Then, we employ topical modelling based on an unsupervised machine learning algorithm to decompose financial risk into its thematic drivers. The resulting aggregated indicator can identify major episodes of overall heightened financial risks in China, which cannot be consistently captured using financial data. Finally, a structural VAR framework is employed to show that shocks to the financial risk measure have a significant impact on macroeconomic and financial variables in China and abroad.

*1:cf. 日本語による紹介記事

*2:cf. Topic model - Wikipedia
