
マンキューが表題の6/21ブログエントリ(原題は「Three Reasons Why a Gas Tax Holiday is a Bad Idea」)でガソリン減税に明確に反対している

News reports say the President Biden may propose a temporary reduction in the gasoline tax, and Secretary Yellen over the weekend said the idea is "worth considering." I would say the idea is worth rejecting, for three reasons.

  1. Putting more money in peoples' pockets with any kind of tax cut would increase aggregate demand. It would thereby undermine the Fed's program to get inflation under control.
  2. The incidence of the tax cut would fall partly on producers rather than consumers, depending on the elasticities of supply and demand. If it is true that refiners are near capacity, as reports suggest, then supply is relatively inelastic. That means the tax reduction would mainly benefit producers.
  3. Given all the externalities associated with driving (climate change, congestion, accidents), the existing gasoline tax is below the optimal Pigovian level. Reducing it would move the tax system in a less efficient direction, That is, it would encourage people to drive more, exacerbating the negative externalities.


  1. いかなる減税でも人々にもっとお金を渡せば総需要を増加させる。従ってそれはインフレをコントロールしようとするFRBの政策を損なう。
  2. 需給の弾力性次第で減税の一部は消費者よりも生産者が対象となる。報道が言うように精製業者が稼働限界に近いのであれば、供給は相対的に非弾力的である。ということは減税は主に生産者に裨益する。
  3. 運転に関連するすべての外部性(気候変動、混雑、事故)に鑑みて、既存のガソリン税は最適ピグー水準を下回っている。それを引き下げると税体系はより非効率な方向に動くことになる。即ち、人々はより多く運転するように促され、負の外部性が悪化する。