
というブンデスバンク論文をMostly Economicsが紹介している。原題は「Economic theories and macroeconomic reality」で、著者はFrancesca Loria(FRB)、Christian Matthes(インディアナ大)、Mu-Chun Wang(ドイツ連銀)。

Research Question
Economic theories are often expressed as equilibrium models. These models are usually too stylized to provide a comprehensive description of the macroeconomic reality, leading to difficulties in assessing their empirical relevance. We develop a new framework to compare the empirical relevance of a set of stylized models based on observed macroeconomic data in a reasonable manner.
We propose a time series model whose core dynamics contain information determined by the theoretical models. In addition, the time series model includes elements like trends, measurement errors, and multiple measurements, which are typically absent from theoretical models, but are crucial in the context of actual empirical data. Within this time series model, a weight for each theoretical model considered can be estimated, and these weights provide information about the relative empirical relevance of the theoretical models.
Comparing theoretical models with and without household heterogeneity, we show that adding household heterogeneity greatly helps to fit macroeconomic data. The estimated weights of models without household heterogeneity are small but non-zero. Therefore, our approach differs from traditional model comparison approaches that tend to assign a weight of one to a single theoretical model considered, and a weight of zero to all other models.
