
The Leap Blogというブログの表題のエントリ(原題は「What year in the history of an advanced economy is like India today?」、著者はAnanya Goyal、Renuka Sane、Ajay Shah)をMostly Economicsが引用している。以下はその引用部の孫引き。

India has been stepping out from poverty into middle income. It is estimated that the proportion of persons below the PPP$1.90 poverty line has dropped to an estimated 87 million in 2020. In thinking about India’s journey, it is interesting to ask: In the historical journey of advanced economies, What year in the history of the US or UK roughly corresponds to India of 2021? This is a good way to obtain intuition on where India is, in the development journey.
In 2020, per capita GDP in India (in PPP terms at 2011 prices), is $6806. Looking back into the history of the US and the UK, we get the dates:

Comparable year in US history Comparable year in UK history
Per capita GDP 1896 1894
This places India of today as being roughly like these advanced economies at the dawn of the 20th century. By this measure, India is about 120 years behind the US or the UK in terms of economic development.

米国の歴史で相当する年 英国の歴史で相当する年
一人当たりGDP 1896 1894


この後The Leap Blogでは女性の労働参加率、自動車保有率、冷蔵庫保有率など数々の指標でも同様の比較を行った後、以下のように書いている。

Where is India when compared with the historical journey of the US or the UK? We have many answers. We have values of pre-1890 (women’s LFP), 1896 (PPP per capita GDP), 1915 (cars), 1945 (fridges), 1955 (washing machines and air conditioners), 1985 (home computers) and 2000 (television sets). We think that overall, the asset-ownership based estimates are over-estimates on account of improvements in technology, and because households would value cooling equipment to a greater extent in the Indian warmth.
In terms of consequences, refrigerators and washing machines are both mechanisms to reduce household drudgery. When food can be stored in a refrigerator, the need to cook multiple times within the day is eliminated. The present Indian values are comparable with the US of 1945 (fridges) or 1955 (washing machines). India may then be at the cusp of change, with the emancipation of women that came in the US in the 1950s and the 1960s, when these appliances reduced the demands upon women for housework.
Economic development is hard to reduce into any single metric. As Yashwant Sinha once said, India lives in many different centuries at the same time. There are people and cultural traits in India today which are medieval, and there are pockets of India which are living at the global frontier of 2021. Each aspect of India is evolving through its own historical forces. We need to embrace and understand all aspects of this reality at once. In understanding India, we have to appreciate all these different clocks that are unfolding before us. The numbers discovered in this article help in building this intuition.
米英の歴史の推移と比較した場合、インドはどこにいるのだろうか? 我々には多くの答えがある。1890年以前(女性の労働参加率)、1896年(購買力平価での一人当たりGDP)、1915年(自動車)、1945年(冷蔵庫)、1955年(洗濯機とエアコン)、1985年(家庭用コンピューター)、2000年(テレビ)、という数字がある。資産の保有に基づく推計は総じて、技術進歩のため、およびインドの暑さでは家庭にとってクーラー設備の価値が極めて高いために、過大評価になっていると思われる。