
インド人民党ナレンドラ・モディ国民会議派ラーフル・ガンディーの間の政策論争を、バグワティ対センの代理戦争に見立てたミント紙記事をMostly Economicsが紹介している

Bhagwati versus Sen may not have the same resonance as Modi versus Gandhi, but behind the political fight scheduled for 2014 is a duel of economic ideologies.
The protagonists of this cerebral combat are Jagdish Bhagwati and Amartya Sen, without a shred of doubt two of the finest Indian economists ever.
The academic paths of Sen and Bhagwati have not crossed in their long careers. They earned their fame in different areas. Bhagwati has made seminal contributions to trade theory. Sen did his best work in social choice. The two—along with peers such as Partha Dasgupta, T.N. Srinivasan and Avinash Dixit—have made contributions to economic theory that are on par with the best in the world.
Bhagwati and Sen are also gifted polemicists, commenting extensively on public policy. It is in the latter role that they have often crossed swords.
The debate between the two is an intricate one. But a simplified version would be as follows: Bhagwati believes that strong economic growth has directly improved the lives of poor Indians while Sen argues that India’s successful growth record has been tarnished by abysmal levels of human development.
Interestingly, the two rival pairs of economists have new books out presenting their solutions for India. In Why Growth Matters: How Economic Growth in India Reduced Poverty and the Lessons for Other Developing Countries, Bhagwati and Panagariya again present growth as the panacea for all of India’s problems. The book came out a little before An Uncertain Glory: India and its Contradictions, where Sen and Drèze once again prescribe large-scale, state-run social programmes that are adequately monitored as the solution.
The battle of ideas featuring the two great economists in some ways captures a deeper question facing Indian political leaders: should India aim for growth that will lift incomes or should it first address social issues such as inequality and malnutrition that will eventually hinder growth?
興味深いことに、この二人の経済学者のライバル同士は、インドの問題解決策を提示する新刊を出している。「Why Growth Matters: How Economic Growth in India Reduced Poverty and the Lessons for Other Developing Countries」で再びバグワティとパナガリヤは、インドのすべての問題への万能薬として成長を提示している。同書の出版は「An Uncertain Glory: India and its Contradictions (English Edition)」の少し前であったが、後者でセンとドレーズは、適切に監督された大規模な国家運営の社会的プログラムを再度解決策として提示している。