
というBIS論文をMostly Economicsが紹介している。原題は「The banking crisis in Ireland」で、著者は Patrizia Baudino(BIS)、Diarmuid Murphy(アイルランド中銀)、Jean-Philippe Svoronos(BIS)。

This paper covers the banking crisis in Ireland that started in 2008, which stemmed from a combination of macroeconomic developments, risky bank practices and unsustainable fiscal policies. In line with the scope of this series, the paper focuses on the policy response. This involved the restructuring of the banking sector, requiring measures to restore bank capital, address asset quality issues and ensure the provision of funding. Several rounds of stress tests, deleveraging plans and the provision of central bank liquidity, as well as the creation of an asset management company, were among the key measures put in place. The Irish banking crisis offers important lessons. One is the need to recognise the limits of emergency liquidity assistance and the boundary between such assistance and fiscal support. Others concern bank restructuring and the best modalities for it. Finally, some legacy issues remain, for instance those related to the remaining stock of non-performing assets.

Executive summaryや本文では、銀行部門のリストラの際に望みの無い銀行は切り捨てるべき、ということが示唆されている。具体的には、緊急的な流動性支援(ELA)を銀行清算の代わりにすべきではなく、それは存続可能な銀行に予め決められた短期間だけ提供すべき、とのことである。また、望みの無い銀行に財政支援を注ぎ込むと国と銀行が共倒れとなる危険性のある泥沼(sovereign-bank loop)にはまり込むことになり、それはEUやECBやIMFなど外部からの助けなしには抜け出すのが難しい、とも指摘している。

*1:BISのFinancial Stability InstituteのFSI Crisis Management Series。