
というNBER論文が上がっているungated版)。原題は「Reviving the Salter-Swan Small Open Economy Model」で、著者はコロンビア大のStephanie Schmitt-GrohéとMartín Uribe。

This paper provides microfoundations to the Salter-Swan policy framework, a graphical apparatus designed to ascertain the exchange-rate and fiscal stance of a policymaker with internal and external economic targets. The environment is an infinite-horizon small open economy producing tradable and nontradable goods that takes world prices and world interest rates as given and is populated by optimizing households and firms. The economy is subject to terms-of-trade and interest-rate shocks. The internal target of the government is the unemployment rate and the external target is the current account. Downward nominal wage rigidity and financial frictions serve as the rationale for meaningful policy intervention.


This paper provides microfoundations to the Salter-Swan policy framework. The Salter-Swan policy framework is a graphical apparatus for policy analysis in small open economies. In this apparatus, the targets of the policy maker are the internal and the external balance of the country. Internal balance means that the economy achieves full employment and price stability. External balance means that the country runs neither excessive current account deficits nor large current account surpluses. The instruments available to the policymaker are the exchange rate and fiscal policy.
The theoretical framework underlying the Salter-Swan policy theory is the tradable and nontradable goods model (also known as the Australian or dependent economy model) in the tradition of Swan (1955), Meade (1956), Salter (1959), Corden (1960), and Dornbusch (1974). The key insight of the tradable and nontradable goods model is the distinction between adjustment in aggregate demand and adjustment in its composition, the so called expenditure switch, when the economy is buffeted by exogenous aggregate disturbances, and the pivotal role played by the relative price of nontradables in facilitating the expenditure switch.
The following example illustrates the adjustment mechanism in the tradable and nontradable goods model: Suppose the country interest rate premium increases. This generates a contraction in domestic absorption as households and firms substitute future for current
spending. Given the relative price of nontradables in terms of tradables (the real exchange rate), the demand for tradables and nontradables falls. The increased gap between tradable output and tradable absorption can be exported. However, the increased gap between supply and demand of nontradables cannot be exported by definition. Thus, market clearing in the nontradable sector requires a decline in the relative price of nontradables. The fall in the relative price of nontradables causes a re-composition of aggregate expenditure away from tradables and toward nontradables and a re-composition of aggregate output in the opposite direction.
In the adjustment mechanism invoked by the tradable and nontradable goods model, the terms of trade (the relative price of exportables in terms of importables) plays no role. In fact, the model assumes that this variable is exogenous. Indeed, in the traditional international trade literature, this is the definition of a small open economy, one that can view the terms of trade as exogenous because it is too small to have any monopoly power. The insight that in a small open economy macroeconomic adjustment does not materialize through changes in the terms of trade represented a fundamental departure from the established view at the time of the creation of the Salter-Swan framework.


  • サルター=スワンモデル
    • 2つの目的(マクロ経済活動と経常収支)に対し2つの政策ツール(名目為替相場と政府支出)
    • 政府支出が完全に非生産的の場合でも有用(古典的ケインジアンの伝統)
  • 最近のモデル
    • 1つの目的(家計の生涯厚生の最大化)に対し1つの政策ツール(名目為替相場
    • 政府支出が完全に非生産的なら常にゼロにすることが最適となる
    • 政府支出が生産的な場合(効用関数に入る、もしくは企業の生産技術の効率要因となる、など)でも、経常収支とは結びつかないので、その循環特性は、本稿でミクロ的基礎付けを与えたサルター=スワンモデルとは違うものとなる
