Scott R. Baker、Nicholas Bloom、Steven J. DavisらがまたCovid-19と不確実性に関する表題のNBER論文を上げている。今度の筆頭著者はDavid Altigで、実に15人もの著者が名を連ねている。原題は「Economic Uncertainty Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic」で、著者はDavid Altig(アトランタ連銀)、Scott R. Baker(ノースウエスタン大)、Jose Maria Barrero(メキシコ自治工科大学)、Nicholas Bloom(スタンフォード大)、Philip Bunn(BOE)、Scarlet Chen(スタンフォード大)、Steven J. Davis(シカゴ大)、Julia Leather(ノッティンガム大)、Brent H. Meyer(アトランタ連銀)、Emil Mihaylov(同)、Paul Mizen(ノッティンガム大)、Nicholas B. Parker(アトランタ連銀)、Thomas Renault(パンテオン・ソルボンヌ大)、Pawel Smietanka(BOE)、Greg Thwaites(LSE)。
We consider several economic uncertainty indicators for the US and UK before and during the COVID-19 pandemic: implied stock market volatility, newspaper-based economic policy uncertainty, twitter chatter about economic uncertainty, subjective uncertainty about future business growth, and disagreement among professional forecasters about future GDP growth. Three results emerge. First, all indicators show huge uncertainty jumps in reaction to the pandemic and its economic fallout. Indeed, most indicators reach their highest values on record. Second, peak amplitudes differ greatly – from a rise of around 100% (relative to January 2020) in two-year implied volatility on the S&P 500 and subjective uncertainty around year-ahead sales for UK firms to a 20-fold rise in forecaster disagreement about UK growth. Third, time paths also differ: Implied volatility rose rapidly from late February, peaked in mid-March, and fell back by late March as stock prices began to recover. In contrast, broader measures of uncertainty peaked later and then plateaued, as job losses mounted, highlighting the difference in uncertainty measures between Wall Street and Main Street.