
以前、「インフレ率に関する人々の予測ならびに記憶が曖昧な証左として、回答されたインフレ率が5%の倍数に集まりやすい傾向」がある、というCarola Binderの指摘を紹介したことがあったが、7月7日の彼女のブログエントリで、その傾向を分析した論文を出版したことが紹介されていた(H/T 9/28のBinderブログエントリ)。

For the next few weeks, you can download my new paper in the Journal of Monetary Economics for free here. The title is "Measuring uncertainty based on rounding: New method and application to inflation expectations." It became available online the same day that my twins were born (!!) but was much longer in the making, as it was my job market paper at Berkeley.

Here is the abstract:

The literature on cognition and communication documents that people use round numbers to convey uncertainty. This paper introduces a method of quantifying the uncertainty associated with round responses in pre-existing survey data. I construct micro-level and time series measures of inflation uncertainty since 1978. Inflation uncertainty is countercyclical and correlated with inflation disagreement, volatility, and the Economic Policy Uncertainty index. Inflation uncertainty is lowest among high-income consumers, college graduates, males, and stock market investors. More uncertain consumers are more reluctant to spend on durables, cars, and homes. Round responses are common on many surveys, suggesting numerous applications of this method.
今後数週間、私の「Journal of Monetary Economics」の新論文をここからダウンロードできる*1。タイトルは「丸めから不確実性を測る:新手法ならびにそのインフレ予想への適用」。これがオンラインで見られるようになったのは私の双子が生まれたのと同じ日だが(!!)、生み出すのにはもっと時間が掛かった。というのはこれはバークレーでのジョブマーケット論文だったからだ。



*2:cf. ここ