バーナンキがブルッキングス研究所の学術誌「The Brookings Papers on Economic Activity (BPEA)」ならびにそれを基にした秋のコンファランス向けに「The real effects of the financial crisis」という論文を書き、その内容を「Financial panic and credit disruptions in the 2007-09 crisis」と題された同研究所の記事で解説している。その分析でバーナンキは、日次の金融データを基に、ホールセール部門の短期の資金調達、不動産以外の信用、住宅・不動産市場に関する情報、銀行などの貸し手のバランスシート、をそれぞれ表す4つの要約変数を構築している。そして、その4つのファクターの最初の2つをパニックファクター、残りの2つをバランスシートファクターとしてさらにまとめ、実体経済変数との関係を調べている。
As the illustrative charts below show, the Panic Factors on their own (that is, abstracting from the declines in housing) consistently predict the steep declines in economic growth and other real variables that marked the early stages of the Great Recession, while the Balance Sheet Factors on their own do not predict the downturn. These results indicate that the severity of the recession cannot be explained by a deterioration in housing and consumer finances alone, but in large part reflected the widespread run on short-term funding and securitized credit. They also suggest that policymakers’ aggressive actions to end the financial panic on Wall Street were crucial in preventing an even more devastating blow to Main Street.
Although the Balance Sheet factors do not forecast the acute phase of the economic downturn in my setup, that does not mean they were irrelevant. Of course, the bursting of the housing bubble was the spark that ignited the panic in the first place. Moreover, much other evidence (by Mian and Sufi and others) is consistent with the view that household deleveraging contributed both to the initial downturn in spending and to the slowness of the recovery. It may well be that household balance sheets evolve too slowly and smoothly for their effects to be fully accounted for in the type of analysis used in my paper, which tends to emphasize shorter-term fluctuations. But my results do suggest that, in the absence of the panic, the declines in employment, consumption and output in the early stages of the Great Recession would have been significantly less severe.