Knight’s would not have had any methodological component at all. Knight never was influenced by any facts that he didn’t observe casually himself. Knight was very funny that way. He was absolutely persuaded that inequality tended to increase. At least a half a dozen times we talked him out of it. And a half a dozen times he would come back. He’d be perfectly willing to be talked out of it, and he’d be persuaded that there was a logic both ways, and it didn’t have to happen. Next time the subject came up he’d be right back.
There’s no doubt that Chicago was distinctive, and has been ever since. The real distinction was not making price theory the focal point of the graduate curriculum. That isn’t the real distinction at all. The fundamental distinction is treating economics as a serious subject versus treating it as a branch of mathematics, and treating it as a scientific subject as opposed to an aesthetic subject if I might put it that way. The fundamental difference between Chicago and for example, Harvard, and Columbia to a lesser extent—Columbia at that time was something of an amalgam of Chicago and Harvard. The fundamental difference between Chicago at that time and let’s say Harvard, was that at Chicago economics was a serious subject to be used in discussing real problems, and you could get some knowledge and some answers from it. For Harvard, economics was an intellectual discipline on a par with mathematics, which was fascinating to explore, but you mustn’t draw any conclusions from it. It wasn’t going to enable you to solve any problems, and I think that’s always been a fundamental difference between Chicago and other places. MIT more recently has been a better exemplar than Harvard. And of course there are no such things as one hundred per cent pure cases either at Chicago, or elsewhere.
J.D.H. Would you classify yourself as a Bayesian?
M.F. Yes, and no. I don’t like to use the word Bayesian. I would rather refer to de Finetti and Savage, and they are regarded as Bayesians. But the crucial thing is not inverse probability. What’s crucial is the notion of personal probability. It’s really objective probabilities versus personal probabilities as the key element. I would classify myself as personal probability, and I would say that from a methodological point of view, Jimmie Savage has exerted as much of an influence on me as Popper did. And if Jimmie Savage was alive, he would have said the same thing about me I know. We were very good friends, but also we had a great deal of influence one on the other. And the articles we wrote jointly were really joint, though there are some parts of them that were clearly Jimmie’s. Surely the purely axiomatic logic, the underpinnings of measuring utility are all Jimmie’s. But I really can’t say that there’s any part of it that he didn’t contribute to or that I didn’t contribute to.
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