引き続きバーナンキのイエレンインタビューねた。インタビューの最後に、モデレーターのDavid Wesselから非伝統的金融政策について問われて、イエレンは次のように答えている。
There’s now growing agreement that somehow the new normal going forward is a world where productivity growth has been low. Perhaps we’ll be lucky and it’ll rise, but it has been low. We have aging populations and a strong demand for safe assets. It looks like interest rates, long and short, had generally been trending down among advanced countries even before the financial crisis. And I think there is now reason to believe that the new normal for the U.S. and many advanced economies will be on a lower average level of short-term rates.
This means that for monetary policy, at least short-term rates have much less scope to be used to stabilize the economy. And I think the first thing is to recognize is that this really is a problem. It behooves policymakers and researchers more generally to think about are there changes we can make to the monetary policy framework that would be helpful in dealing with that?
So, what I’ve said as chair is that the tools that we discussed that we used during the crisis--forward guidance and asset purchases--I think for this reason should stay part of the toolkit. If you agree that they were effective, even if it’s hard to quantify how effective, we should keep those things in the arsenal and have them available to be used. I’m not saying that that is a full solution and there can still be situations.