

MR. BERNANKE: Let me ask one more question. ...Which is, tell us about your leadership style. I mean, how did you manage the committee? How did you think about working with up to 19 people around the FOMC table?
MS. YELLEN: Well, my style, I think, was very similar to yours, which I would describe as collegial rather than dictatorial. ...
So I guess what I do is I often compare the job of managing the committee to the issue a designer would have to face who is trying to decide what’s the right color to paint a room. You have 19 people around the table, and you want to come up with a decision we can all live with on what color to paint the room. And we’d go around the table. Ben, what would you like? You think baby blue is just absolutely ideal. David, what do you think? Chartreuse you think is a lovely color. (Laughter) And we go around the room like that.
And the question is, are we ever going to converge? I would feel my job is get everybody to see that off-white is not a bad alternative. (Laughter) As brilliant as your choice was, maybe you could live with off-white, and it’s not so bad. And we can converge on that and it’s going to function just fine and maybe we can agree.
So I felt I was often trying to get the committee to coalesce and decide. We’d come up with a good option that we could all agree on.

私がやっていたことについて考えるに、私は委員会の運営の仕事を、部屋を塗るのにどの色が良いかを決めようとしているデザイナーが直面する課題に良く例えています。テーブルの周りには19人の人がいて、部屋を塗る色について皆が受け入れられる決定をしたい、というわけです。それでテーブルを順に回ります。ベン、あなたはどの色が好きですか? ベビーブルーがとにかく理想的であると。デビッド、あなたの考えは? シャルトリューズが良い色だと思われると。(笑) そのように部屋の中を巡っていくわけです。
そこで問題になるのは、それで収束するのか、ということです。私がそこで自分の仕事だと考えていたのは、オフホワイトはそれほど悪い選択肢ではない、と皆に納得させることです。(笑) あなたの選択は素晴らしいですが、オフホワイトで手を打って頂けないですか、それもそれほど悪くないですよ、というわけです。その選択肢に皆の意見が収束し、それで物事がうまく進むことになりそうで、皆の意見も何とかまとまりました、という感じです。