
前回エントリで取り上げたAlwyn Young(LSE)の論文を、Bellemareと同日(11/27)にノアピニオン氏も表題のブルームバーグ論説(原題は「The Economics Data Revolution Has Growing Pains」)で取り上げ、氏が称賛する経済学における実証研究の拡大に伴う成長痛、という見方を示した。

But rapid growth usually comes with growing pains, and empirical economics is no different. As evidence becomes more and more important to the discipline, it was inevitable that the methods empirical researchers use would come under increasing scrutiny. And that scrutiny was bound to find some systematic mistakes and methodological issues.
One example of this scrutiny comes from Alwyn Young of the London School of Economics. In a recent paper, Young evaluates the use of a common empirical technique known as instrumental variables, or IV. IV is used to separate causation from correlation. For example, suppose you want to find the effect of marriage on income. If you find that higher income people are more likely to be married, that could mean marriage makes you richer, or it could mean that richer people feel more comfortable getting married. To find out which causes which, you could try to find a third thing -- say, a change in divorce laws -- that affects marriage but doesn’t directly affect income. That third thing is called an instrument.
In the past, criticisms of IV have mostly focused on cases where the instrument is weak. But Young shows that even in cases where the instrument is strong, it often introduces lots of noise to measurements. That noise can easily make economists’ estimates unreliable, leading to false claims of statistical significance.
That economists routinely ignore this problem is just one case of a larger issue. Economists generally pretend that their data sets are huge, when in fact they tend to be rather small. This leads them to ignore the problems and tradeoffs that arise from small samples.


So smart people are lining up to take shots at the empirical economics revolution. In the short term, these lessons may well be invoked by those who want econ to revert to a theory-first discipline. But economists will not heed the scattered calls to give up on evidence and go back to being mathematical philosophers. Instead, young economists will see these criticisms and take them to heart. They’ll search for larger data samples, and be more careful with how they report statistical significance. They’ll be more careful with their experiments, and more circumspect about how they generalize from single studies. And the quality of evidence in econ will go up and up.
Skepticism is good, and science should be a process of constant improvement.