At this point, blanket critiques of the economics discipline have been standardized to the point where it’s pretty easy to predict how they’ll proceed. Economists will be castigated for their failure to foresee the Great Recession. Some unrealistic assumptions in mainstream macroeconomic models will be mentioned. Economists will be cast as priests of free-market ideology, whose shortcomings will be vigorously asserted. We will be told that economics moves in cycles of fad and fashion. Readers will be reminded that economics deals with humans instead of atoms, making scientific certainty impossible. The piece will end with a call for humility on the part of economists, a more serious consideration of unconventional ideas and reduced prestige for the economics profession.
Writers for the British newspaper the Guardian are especially adept at producing this sort of broadside. The latest one, by John Rapley, is entitled “How economics became a religion,” and it follows the script pretty closely. But by now it feels like the refrain is getting a bit stale.
There are certainly some grains of truth in this standard appraisal. I’ve certainly lobbed my fair share of criticism at the econ profession over the years. But the problem with critiques like Rapley’s is that they offer no real way forward for the discipline. In the wake of the Great Recession, outbursts of anger might have served to awaken economists from their contented intellectual slumber, but at this point a more constructive tone would be preferable. Simply calling for humility and methodological diversity accomplishes little.
- 経済学者は実際に機能する理論を幾つか開発した
- 良い科学理論は、理論開発の契機となった状況以外でも検証可能な予測を行う。経済学は徐々にそうした優れた理論のレパートリーを広げている。
- 例:オークション理論、マッチング理論、ランダム効用離散選択理論、(ミクロ経済学以外では)貿易の重力モデル
- 原子ではなく人間を扱うので経済学理論は決して信頼できるものとならない、と主張する人が間違っていることをこれらの理論は示している。
- 良い科学理論は、理論開発の契機となった状況以外でも検証可能な予測を行う。経済学は徐々にそうした優れた理論のレパートリーを広げている。
- 経済学はより実証的になっている
- 実証経済学は政策にますます密接に関連するようになっている
- 経済学者がかつて自由市場イデオロギー寄りだったとしても、今では違う