
FOMCで10月からのバランスシート縮小が決まったが、過去の事例を調べた表題のNBER論文が上がっているungated版)。原題は「How was the Quantitative Easing Program of the 1930s Unwound?」で、著者はMatthew Jaremski(コルゲート大)、Gabriel Mathy(アメリカン大)。

Outside of the recent past, excess reserves have only concerned policymakers in one other period: the Great Depression. The data show that excess reserves in the 1930s were never actively unwound through a reduction in the monetary base. Nominal economic growth swelled required reserves while an exogenous reduction in monetary gold inflows due to war embargoes in Europe allowed excess reserves to naturally decline towards zero. Excess reserves fell rapidly in early 1941 and would have unwound fully even without the entry of the United States into World War II. As such, policy tightening was at no point necessary and could have contributed to the 1937-1938 Recession.


"At no point did the unwinding of excess reserves cause an explosion of lending or inflation as critics of these QE policies fear," Jaremksi*1 and Mathy added. Fed policymakers may even have exacerbated issues with excess reserves "by prematurely pursuing contractionary policy."
"Based on our findings, the Fed’s policy seems historically grounded," they conclude. "The decline in excess reserves in the Great Depression occurred when the government did not try to force the money supply back to normal and instead allowed economic growth to absorb the additional money supply. The Fed’s plans for an unwinding without tightening, therefore, resembles the stance taken in the 1940s, and suggests that it has learned from the premature tightening before the 1937-1938 Recession."
