
という下記の本をティム・ハーフォードが来週出すとのことで、スミソニアン誌のインタビューに答えている(H/T タイラー・コーエン)。

Fifty Inventions That Shaped the Modern Economy

Fifty Inventions That Shaped the Modern Economy


An abstract idea that led to a product – one of the ones I love – was the index fund. That’s because it’s the moment that an economic theory leapt off the pages and became a product. It starts with [the Nobel prize-winning economist] Paul Samuelson. He tests this idea that stock pickers can’t actually beat the market. He writes a research article and challenges the investment industry, and then an investment manager, John Bogle, reads this and says, ‘you know what, you’re probably right.’ And John Bogle sets up Vanguard [the first index mutual fund for individual investors]. And [decades later] Samuelson praises Bogle’s index fund as ranking alongside wine and cheese and the wheel.

We’re used to biologists and engineers and computer scientists and physicists inventing things, but the idea of an economist inventing something doesn’t happen very often. So I’m going to celebrate it when I can!

If you had to choose one invention as the very most important in terms of world history, which would it be?
The one that inspires the most gratitude in me is the final one in the book, the lightbulb. The reason I wanted to talk about the lightbulb is this wonderful study done by the economist Bill Nordhaus. He very painstakingly tracks the price of lights in terms of human labor from 10,000 BC through to about 1992. If you want one hour of light equivalent to one candle, how long do you have to work? We’ve moved from a situation where, if I remember rightly, you could work for a week to produce one hour of good quality light, all the way through to today, where the labor cost is so small you couldn’t even notice it, it’s the blink of an eye.

私に最も感謝の念を呼び起こすものは、本で最後に挙げたもの、電球です。電球について私が語っておきたいと思ったのは、経済学者ビル・ノードハウスが行った素晴らしい研究のためです。彼は人間の労働の相当という観点から、紀元前1万年から1992年頃までの光の価格を非常に丹念に追跡しました。一本の蝋燭に相当する光を一時間欲しいと思うならば、どのくらい働く必要があるでしょうか? 私の記憶が正しければ、かつては一時間の良質の光のために一週間働かねばなりませんでしたが、今では労働対価はあまり小さいために気付かないほどの短い時間、瞬きする間、というところまで状況が変わってきています。

*1:cf. ボーグル自身のエッセイによると「Surely Paul Samuelson's highest accolade for the index fund came in his speech at the Boston Security Analysts Society on November 15, 2005 : "I rank this Bogle invention along with the invention of the wheel, the alphabet, Gutenberg printing, and wine and cheese: a mutual fund that never made Bogle rich but elevated the long-term returns of the mutual-fund owners. Something new under the sun."」