

They may be right but I do not think they have provided evidence that would convince anyone other than a prior believer.
Consider an analogy. It is doubtless the case that golfers with long swings like Phil Mickelson hit the ball further and more accurately than golfers with short swings like myself. An index of swing length would be highly correlated with almost any measure of golf performance. Does this mean I should lengthen my swing? I doubt it. Those with more flexibility and coordination are able to take and control longer swings and play golf better. If I were to try to swing like Phil, I would mishit the ball and maybe break my back.
No surprise the long-term companies outperform the short-term companies. But this may be due to their vision and execution capacity not their long-term focus. Mediocre companies seeking to imitate them will be like me trying to imitate Phil—painful failures. I do not see any basis in the McKinsey results for saying that companies should extend their horizons.
比喩的に考えてみよう。フィル・ミケルソンのような飛距離の長いゴルファーが、私のような飛距離の短いゴルファーよりもボールを遠く正確に飛ばせることは疑いない。飛距離の指標は、ゴルフのほぼすべての成績の指標と高い相関を示すだろう。このことは、私が飛距離を伸ばすべきことを意味するのだろうか? そうは思わない。体が柔軟で身体の各所を上手に連携できる人は、長打をコントロールしつつ打ってゴルフの成績を伸ばすことができるだろう。もし私がフィルを真似て打ったならば、ボールを打ち損じてあるいは背中を痛めるかもしれない。