Nick Roweが、散髪が唯一の財となっている経済での失業について考察し、それを基にニューケインジアンモデルに対してより現実的な解釈を加えようとしている。
Suppose the central bank sets the rate of interest too high. Will this cause unemployment?
No. Any unemployed agent would simply cut his own hair.
Suppose we change the model so agents can't cut their own hair, to motivate trade. Can we get unemployment now?
No. Two unemployed agents would simply do a barter deal to cut each other's hair.
We need to change the model so that monetary exchange is essential -- they can't trade without using money as a medium of exchange. ...
Reinterpreting the New Keynesian model as a model of a monetary exchange economy, where every agent has an interest-earning chequing account at the central bank, kills two birds with one stone (it explains how the central bank can set the rate of interest, and explains how this can cause deficient-demand unemployment). Yet it leaves the equations of the model unchanged. No sensible New Keynesian macroeconomist should object to this reinterpretation. It's a friendly amendment -- and not even really an amendment.
モデルを変更して各人が自分の髪を切れないようにして交易を動機付けたらどうだろうか? 今度は失業がもたらされるだろうか?
Roweに言わせれば、これはニューケインジアンモデルを現実化する二段階のうち簡単なステップだという(彼はこれを「the bait part of my Cunning Plan to bait and switch」と呼んでいる。また、下敷きにした9月のエントリでは、中央銀行の口座を、現金が消えたニューケインジアンモデルに残されたチェシャ猫の笑いに例えている*1)。
There is a very big problem with the New Keynesian Macro model. It simply assumes, with zero justification for this additional (hidden) assumption, that agents in the model expect an automatic tendency towards full employment. As I explained in my old post, Old Keynesians would be screaming blue murder if they understood that New Keynesians were making this illicit assumption. Because it is precisely this question that Keynes wrote the General Theory to address.
To repeat the point I made in that old post, if the central bank always sets the real rate of interest equal to the natural rate of interest, that is a necessary but not a sufficient condition for output being at the natural ("full employment") level. There is a continuum of equilibria, with anything from 0% to 100% unemployment being an equilibrium. This result follows immediately from the Consumption-Euler equation. In the simple case of log preferences, where n is the rate of time preference proper, it is: C(t)/C(t+1) = (1+n)/(1+r(t)). The real interest rate only pins down the expected growth rate of consumption, not the level of consumption. And New Keynesians evade this problem by simply assuming that in the limit, as t approaches infinity, C(t) approaches the full employment level.
古いエントリで書いた要点を繰り返すと、中銀が実質金利を常に自然利子率と等しくなるように設定したならば、それは生産が自然(「完全雇用」)水準にあるための必要条件ではあるが十分条件ではない。均衡は連続体となり、失業率が0%から100%の間のどこでも均衡となる。この結果は、消費のオイラー方程式からすぐに出てくる。対数型の選好という単純な場合では、nを時間選好率として、 C(t)/C(t+1) = (1+n)/(1+r(t)) となる。実質金利は消費の期待成長率を特定するに過ぎず、消費水準は特定しない。そしてニューケインジアンたちはこの問題を、tが無限に近付く極限ではC(t)が完全雇用水準に近付く、と単に仮定することにより回避している。
...if we want the LM curve to slope up, so that the level of output is determinate, that supply function cannot be perfectly elastic at any given rate of interest.
It is not sufficient for a central bank to set a rate of interest (or one rate of interest plus a spread) and let the stock of money be determined by demand at that rate of interest. Long run output (not to mention the price level) is indeterminate if it does that, even if it sets the correct rate of interest. It needs to control the nominal quantity of money too. The central bank needs to set some nominal anchor, not just to make the price level determinate, but to make the level of output determinate.
The only mechanism that can provide an automatic tendency towards full employment (if, and that's a big "if", the central bank does the right thing) is the hot potato mechanism. If we reinterpret and reform the New Keynesian model the way it needs to be reinterpreted and reformed, we end up with Keynso-monetarism.
なお、今回のRoweのエントリは、上記で「古いエントリ」として言及している3年前の彼のエントリを、デロングがRoweが「自らに課したシジフォス的な課題(self-assumed Sisyphean task)」として取り上げたことをきっかけにしている*2。