
Economist's Viewの9/26付のリンク集でなぜかセントルイス連銀の半年前の表題の記事がリンクされている(原題は「Can the Sufficient Statistic Approach Avoid the Lucas Critique?」。ただしリンクのタイトルは「Making Models Simple, but Not Too Simple」)。

The sufficient statistic approach is a methodology aimed at formulating public policy recommendations. It is based on the idea that, in some cases, it is possible to address a complex policy issue using a simple formula and available empirical estimates of treatment effects. The formulas are cleverly derived with the aim of summarizing the behavior of a complex model economy when affected by a particular policy shift. The estimates of treatment effects are econometric estimates of the effect of a particular policy shift on the relevant economic outcome(s).


At first pass, it may seem implausible to think that simple formulas depending on just a few parameters would avoid the Lucas critique. However, the Sufficient Statistic Approach can pass this test to a large extent. There are two considerations that suggest this is the case:

  • The formulas used by the sufficient statistic approach are based on the optimal response of economic agents with respect to a change in policy.
  • The statistics that enter the formula should be estimated using quasi-experimental policy variation. That is, the parameters that enter the formula should take into account the empirical reaction to a shift in the policy rule.


  • 十分統計量アプローチが使う方程式は、経済主体の政策変更に対する最適反応に基づいている。
  • 方程式に使われる統計量は、疑似実験的な政策変動を用いて推計されねばならない。即ち、方程式のパラメータは、政策ルール変更への反応に関する実証結果を反映していなければならない。


のいずれかが成立している必要がある。記事の著者Alejandro Badelは、Mark Huggettとの共著論文で、後者の条件を満たすようなラッファー曲線の頂点の予測式を導出したとの由。