The best way to understand NeoFisherism is in an open economy context. In the absence of shocks, we can assume that interest parity (IPT) and PPP both hold. That really simplifies these thought experiments. A change in the interest rate target does produce NeoFisherian results regarding the rate of change in the exchange rate (IPT), and, if we assume PPP, also with the inflation rate. But the central bank can actually impact exchange rates in two ways; levels and rates of change. In the real world, most unexpected increases in the policy interest rate will cause a sharp once and for all appreciation in the currency, and then expected depreciation from that point forward. The NeoFisherians are focusing on the expected depreciation over time (associated with the higher interest rates), while the NKs focus on the once and for all appreciation, due to the sudden rise in interest rates. This once and for all appreciation shows up first, and, since prices are sticky, in the real world we see a lower inflation rate for a period of time.
My theory allows for the NeoFisherian theory to hold true in some cases, even in the short run, if the central bank adjusts the spot exchange rate enough to offset any "NK effects" and so you merely end up with the NeoFisherian results. The Swiss did exactly that in January 2015. They sharply cut interest rates to negative 0.75%. Because of the IPT, the Swiss franc was now expected to appreciate strongly over time, against the euro. Normally that action would also cause the Swiss franc to sharply depreciate on the announcement, which would create the sort of inflationary pressures predicted by NK economists. But the Swiss did something weird---on the same day that they cut interest rates sharply, they did a once and for all appreciation of the SF by about 10% or 15%. That prevented the near-term inflationary effects from the "easy money" policy of lower rates, and only the NeoFisherian effects showed up. Note that the news media treated this new policy as a "tight money" announcement; for once they got it right! The currency appreciation outweighed the lower interest rates.
In contrast, when the Fed adopts a lower than expected interest rate target, the dollar is usually allowed to depreciate, and so you get NK results in the short run.
私のこの理論は、新フィッシャー派理論が幾つかのケースにおいて成立することを可能にする。もし中銀が「ニューケインジアン効果」を完全に相殺するのに十分なだけ直物為替相場を調整し、新フィッシャー的な結果だけが最終的に現れるならば、短期の場合でも成立する。スイスは2015年1月にまさにそれを実行した。彼らは金利をマイナス0.75%まで一気に切り下げた。金利平価により、スイスフランは対ユーロで長期的に大きく増価すると予想される。そして通常ならばその政策行動は、公表直後には大きな為替減価を生じせしめ、ニューケインジアン経済学者が予測するようなインフレ圧力をもたらすはずである。しかしスイスは奇妙なことを行った。金利を一気に引き下げたのと同じ日に、彼らはスイスフランを1回だけ10〜15%ほど増価させたのである。それによって低金利という「金融緩和」政策の短期的なインフレ効果が抑制され、新フィッシャー的効果だけが出現した。マスコミがこの新政策を「金融引き締め」のアナウンスメントとして扱ったことに注意されたい。この時ばかりは彼らは正しかったのである! 為替の増価の効果が低金利のそれを上回ったのだ。
- 貨幣の予想成長率の変化を明確に表す政策アナウンスを観測するのは非常に難しい。我々に分かるのは、一定期間の貨幣供給の急激な増加が、高インフレと高金利と事後的に相関している(かつその原因となっている)、ということのみ。貨幣供給についての先物市場は存在しないのだ。
- それに対し、為替の水準と予想変化率の両方に直ちに影響する政策アナウンスの事例は数多あり、その結果も容易に観測できる。為替相場については優れた先物市場が存在する。金利平価は(事前的に)極めて良く成立することが多い。
- 中銀の金利目標の予期せぬ変化に対し、資産市場が、マネタリストやニューケインジアンが予想する通りに反応する事例が圧倒的多数を占めることを我々は知っている。その場合、通貨の対外相場価値は金利と同方向に動く。
- 為替相場が「逆方向」に動く場合が少数あることも我々は知っている。その場合、新フィッシャー的な結果が現れることになろう。
- 為替相場が「逆方向」に動くためには、政府がそのための特別措置を取る必要があることを我々は知っている。
Thus to use your "socially constructed" concept, central banks have succeeded in convincing the public that NeoFisherism is wrong, and that unexpected rate cuts are a signal of the government's intention to take the steps needed to gradually boost inflation over time. When they want to enact a NeoFisherian policy, they must take affirmative steps to move on two fronts, as the Swiss did in January 2015, when they simultaneously sharply revalued the franc, and cut rates sharply.
So while I agree that the thought experiment involving simultaneously changes in the quantity of money and its growth rate is a good way to think about the contrast between NK and NeoFisherian approaches, in the case of the exchange rate thought experiment we actually have a mountain of evidence to back up our intuitions.
One final point. If Cochrane, et all, succeeded in convincing the public that NeoFisherianism was correct, he would also succeed in totally destroying the EMH and the rational expectations hypothesis, as almost all asset markets would be systematically responding in the "wrong" way to almost every single monetary policy announcement. Thus NeoFisherism is a profoundly anti-market "left wing" idea, far more so than MMT or post-Keynesianism.