
というスタッフレポートをNY連銀が出している。原題は「Evaluating the Information in the Federal Reserve Stress Tests」で、著者はMark Flannery(SEC、フロリダ大)、Beverly Hirtle(NY連銀)、Anna Kovner(同)。

We present evidence that the Federal Reserve stress tests produce information about the stress‐tested bank holding companies, as well as information about the overall state of the banking industry. Our evidence goes beyond a standard event study, which cannot differentiate between small abnormal returns and large, but opposite‐signed, abnormal stock returns. We find that stress test disclosures are associated with significantly higher absolute abnormal returns, as well as higher abnormal trading volume. More levered and riskier holding companies seem to be more affected by the stress test information. We find no evidence that the disclosure of stress test results has reduced the production of private information. After disclosure begins, stress-tested firms add equity analysts without changing analysts’ forecast dispersions or their mean forecast error.

HirtleとKovnerに加えて同連銀のSamantha Zellerが書いたNY連銀ブログ記事で研究内容が紹介されているが、それによると、従来のイベントスタディでは銀行の平均異常リターンを計算していたが、異常リターンが正か負かは各行の結果が投資家の期待より良かったか悪かったかに左右されるため、平均してしまうことによりそれらが相殺されて有意な結果が得られなかった、との由。