少し前にバローによるレア・ディザスター*1に関するNBER論文を2編紹介したが(ここ、ここ)、このテーマに関する表題のかなり技術的なNBER論文が上がっている。原題は「Solution Methods for Models with Rare Disasters」で、著者はJesús Fernández-Villaverde(ペンシルベニア大)、Oren Levintal(Interdisciplinary Center (IDC) Herzliya)。
Models with rare disasters have become a popular line of research in macroeconomics andfinance. However, rare disasters, by inducing significant non-linearities, present non-trivial computational challenges that have been largely ignored in the literature or dealt with only in a non-systematic fashion. To fill this gap, in this paper, we formulated and solved a New Keynesian model with time-varying disaster risk (including several simpler versions of it). Our findings were as follows. First, low-order perturbation solutions (first, second, and third) do not offer enough accuracy as measured by the Euler errors, computed statistics, or impulse response functions. A fifth-order perturbation fixes part of the problem, but it is still not entirely satisfactory regarding accuracy and it imposes some serious computational costs. Second, a second-order Taylor projection seems an excellent choice, with a satisfactory balance of accuracy and run time. A third-order Taylor projection can handle a medium size model with even better accuracy, but at a higher cost. Finally, Smolyak collocation methods were accurate, but they were hard to implement (we failed to find a solution on several occasions and faced memory limitations) and suffered from long run times.
Like standard projection methods, Taylor projection starts from a residual function created by plugging the unknown decision rules of the agents into the equilibrium conditions of the model and searching for coefficients that make that residual function as close to zero as possible. The novelty of the approach is that, instead of "projecting" the residual function according to an inner product, we approximate the residual function around the steady state of the model using a Taylor series, and find the solution that zeros the Taylor series.
As with standard projection methods, the goal is to find Θ for which the residual function R(x,Θ), defined by equation (22), is approximately zero over a certain domain of the state space that is of interest. Taylor projection builds on the Taylor theorem, which states that R(x,Θ) can
be approximated in the neighborhood of x0 by a kth-order Taylor series about x0. If the kth-order Taylor series is exactly zero (i.e., all the Taylor coefficients up to the kth-order are zero), then R(x,Θ) ≈ 0 in the neighborhood of x0. Thus, Taylor projection finds Θ for which the kth-order Taylor series of the residual function about x0 is exactly zero. This amounts to ... the residual function and all its derivatives up to the kth-order should be zero at x0. When this holds, all the terms of the kth-order Taylor series of R(x,Θ) about x0 are zero.
Taylor projection offers several computational advantages over standard projection methods. First, a grid is not required. The polynomial coefficients are identified by information that comes from the model derivatives, rather than a grid of points. Second, the basis function is a complete polynomial. This gives additional flexibility over Smolyak polynomials.
通常の予測手法と同様、目的は、(22)式で定義される残差関数R(x,Θ)が、研究対象となる状態空間の特定の領域においてゼロに近くなるようなΘを見つけることである。テイラー予測はテイラーの定理に基づいており、R(x,Θ)がx0近辺ではx0周りのk次のテイラー級数で近似できる、としている。もしk次のテイラー級数が正確にゼロならば(即ち、k次までのすべてのテイラー係数がゼロならば)、x0近辺でR(x,Θ) ≈ 0となる。従って、テイラー予測においては、残差関数のx0周りのk次のテイラー級数が正確にゼロとなるΘを求めることになる。このことは、・・・x0において残差関数ならびにそのk次までのすべての導関数がゼロになるべき、ということを意味する。それが成立すれば、残差関数のx0周りのk次のテイラー級数のすべての項はゼロとなる。
Smolyak polynomials are products of Chebyshev polynomials, but unlike tensor products, which grow exponentially, the number of terms in Smolyak polynomials grows polynomially with the number of state variables.
*1:cf. レア・ディザスター - Wikipedia。
*3:cf. チェビシェフ多項式 - Wikipedia。