悪しき投資と失われた機会? 戦後のアジアと中南米への資本移動

というNBER論文が上がっているungated版)。原題は「Bad Investments and Missed Opportunities? Postwar Capital Flows to Asia and Latin America」で、著者はLee E. Ohanian(UCLA)、Paulina Restrepo-Echavarria(セントルイス連銀)、Mark L. J. Wright(シカゴ連銀)。

Since 1950, the economies of East Asia grew rapidly but received little inter-national capital, while Latin America received considerable international capital even as their economies stagnated. The literature typically explains the failure of capital to flow to high growth regions as resulting from international capital market imperfections. This paper proposes a broader thesis that country-specific distortions, such as domestic labor and capital market distortions, also impact capital flows. We develop a DSGE model of Asia, Latin America, and the Rest of the World that features an open-economy business cycle accounting framework to measure these domestic and international distortions, and to quantify their contributions to international capital flows. We find that domestic distortions have been the predominant drivers of international capital flows, and that the general equilibrium effects of these distortions are very large. International capital market distortions also matter, but less.