
18日エントリで紹介したブランシャール=セルティ=サマーズ論文について、アダム・ポーゼンがアベノミクスを引き合いに出しつつ以下のように書いている(H/T Economst's View)。

I have a lot of sympathy for this view. When discussing a recent paper on the disappointment we have with Abenomics’ results in terms of inflation and output in Japan, despite the Bank of Japan pursuing the monetary policy that I and others have advocated, I asked whether a message we should take from the Japanese experience is to avoid bad states of the economy at almost any cost. Yet, the Blanchard-Cerutti-Summers argument (and now empirical evidence) for hysteresis is hugely disturbing if it holds true as a general characterization (leaving aside the very real difficulties of making this conclusion definitive, given the limited number of cases and massive number of factors involved—a difficulty that Summers clearly acknowledges). The very language we use to speak of business cycles, of trend growth rates, of recoveries of to those perhaps non-stationary trends, and so on—which reflects the underlying mental framework of most macroeconomists—would have to be rethought.


So I think the right presumption at this point is subject to a lot more checking and a lot more examination, and people using different statistical techniques, and people having other better more clever ideas for isolating causality is that the classic model of cyclical fluctuations, that assume that they take place around the given trend is not the right model to begin the study of business cycle. And that increasingly, the preoccupation of macroeconomics should be on lower frequency fluctuations that have consequences over long periods of time and the set of ideas around demand side secular stagnation which are motivated in part by the recent experience of the United States, and in part by the twenty five year experience of Japan, which I note was deemed to have gone into recession yet again yesterday seems to me to be an idea that deserves increasingly serious discussion in the time ahead.

*1:[原注]See Adam S. Posen, “Discussion of ‘Abenomics: An Update,'” Brookings Panel on Economic Activity, September 11, 2015, forthcoming BPEA, Fall 2015.