
ここで紹介した論文と同様のテーマの表題の論文をRicardo Reisが書いている(原題は「Different types of central bank insolvency and the central role of seignorage」)。

A recent wave of work clarifies that central banks can become insolvent as long as they are independent and do not have full fiscal support. A central bank is insolvent if it tries to run a Ponzi scheme on its reserves, banks no longer want to hold them, they become worthless, and the price level becomes infinity. If the central bank enjoys fiscal support in the form of a dividend rule whereby it pays out its net income every period, including when it is negative, it can never become insolvent independently of the fiscal authority. While fiscal support is easy to implement in theory, it requires commitment from the Treasury to sometimes transfer funds to the central bank.
Without full fiscal support, this note distinguishes between intertemporal insolvency, when the present value of dividends is negative, rule insolvency, when the central bank cannot stay committed to the rule for dividends in its charter without reserves exploding, and period insolvency, when there is one period of negative net income. Studying period and rule solvency requires studying dividend rules and sources of risk to net income. Studying intertemporal solvency requires tackling the difficult challenge of measuring how large the present value of seignorage is and how it varies with inflation.