
以前、デューク大のCFO調査を用いたFRB論文を紹介したことがあったが、同じ調査を用いてアンドレイ・シュライファーらが表題のNBER論文を書いているungated版)。原題は「Expectations and Investment」で、著者はNicola Gennaioli(ボッコーニ大)、Yueran Ma(ハーバード大)、Andrei Shleifer(同)。

Using micro data from Duke University quarterly survey of Chief Financial Officers, we show that corporate investment plans as well as actual investment are well explained by CFOs’ expectations of earnings growth. The information in expectations data is not subsumed by traditional variables, such as Tobin’s Q or discount rates. We also show that errors in CFO expectations of earnings growth are predictable from past earnings and other data, pointing to extrapolative structure of expectations and suggesting that expectations may not be rational. This evidence, like earlier findings in finance, points to the usefulness of data on actual expectations for understanding economic behavior.