
という論文をカッセル大学のJakob Palekが書いている。原題は「The Optimal Monetary and Fiscal Policy Mix in a Financially Heterogeneous Monetary Union」。

This paper investigates the joint conduct of optimal monetary and fiscal policy in a currency union, when there is a country-specific wedge between the riskless interest rate and the borrowing rate. This spread is captured by the cost channel coefficient. We show that without a cost channel, there is a clear-cut solution for the assignment problem of policy instruments. Monetary policy stabilizes the economy at the union level; fiscal policy stabilizes national economies. In presence of a cost channel, monetary policy becomes less effective and fiscal policy comes into action. The optimal policy mix depends on the strength of the cost channel: The larger the cost channel, the smaller the interest rate response and the stronger the fiscal reaction must be. The emergence of an inflation differential, due to a relative shock, an idiosyncratic shock or a cost channel differential strengthens the role of fiscal policy in the stabilization process. Further, we show that in presence of a cost channel, the nominal interest rate may turn into a supply-side instrument due to a various number of reasons. Finally, we compare the optimal policy mix under discretion with the optimal policy under commitment. It is noticeable that commitment is always superior to discretion. The welfare losses will be increasing (decreasing) in the strength of the cost channel, if the nominal interest rate is a demand- (supply-) side instrument.


