

Stiglitz points out to several very important puzzles that cannot be easily accommodated in the current neoclassical framework: broadly constant rate of return despite massive capital deepening, rising share of capital incomes even if the production function studies tend to find elasticity of substitution between capital and labor of less than 1, and stagnant wages despite the increase in K/Y ratio. ...
...The puzzles that I mentioned can however be solved if one distinguished capital and wealth which Piketty treats interchangeably. Piketty’s treatment of wealth as capital has already attracted attention, and I also wrote about it here. What I called the Pikettian “transformation problem” is the use of the results that come from the production function world, the K world, into the results that come from the world of personal income distribution, the W world. Combining the two, and linking the theory of growth to the theory of distribution was one of key Piketty’s contributions. But that conflation leaves several points (“puzzles”) unanswered, and can be solved either by (i) arguing that the K world behaves really very differently from what we believe to know (e.g. marginal product of capital does not decline even if K/L or K/Y increase), or (ii) by arguing that K and W are two different things.
Stiglitz takes this second route. K is productive capital, the number we put in a production function (I leave aside here all the issues linked with the Cambridge controversy), and W is private household wealth which includes not only productive capital but housing, paintings etc. Now, Stiglitz argues, W can increase, as shown in Piketty’s data, while K remains constant or even declines. Then the puzzles disappear: the return on capital need not decrease if K is constant; wages too can now be stagnant.
What created the wedge between W and K is, according to Stiglitz, land. Suppose that land (valuable real estate) is owned mostly by the rich. Suppose also that most of it does not enter the production function. Let then this land be suddenly demanded by other rich, say the rich living outside the country with whose income distribution we are concerned. Clearly, as the real estate becomes more valuable, the average wealth of the country increases, and also becomes more unequally distributed. This happens because the asset, predominantly held by the rich, has gone up in price and made the distribution of wealth more skewed.
Moreover, more unequal wealth distribution spills into a more unequal income distribution because income includes (as per Piketty but also as per common sense used in all empirical studies of income distribution) higher imputed rent for the real estate owners whose housing has gone up in price and who have not sold it. (Just to be clear: if I own an apartment in New York whose price has doubled because Chinese oligarchs have bought scores of similar apartments in New York, both my income and wealth are up.)


If the demand of the rich were, over the longer-term, directed mostly toward non-productive assets, that is, to the Riviera and Manhattan real estate, old paintings or similar luxury items with fixed supply, we would go back to a pre-capitalist system, justly criticized by Adam Smith, for having led the people (mostly because of insecurity of property) to bury huge sums into unproductive assets like gold. The prospect for further increases in output will thence be limited. Rich countries could end up with both greater wealth and income inequality, and stagnant real output of goods and services.


なお、ミラノヴィッチによればこのスティグリッツ論文はネットには上がっていないが、ぐぐってみると概ね同趣旨の話を書いたProject Syndicate論説が見つかった。そこでスティグリッツは、そのような「測れる」資産の増大は、人的資本のような「測れない」資産の犠牲の上で成り立っている、と警告している。

Sometimes an increase in measured financial wealth corresponds to little more than a shift from “unmeasured” wealth to measured wealth – shifts that can actually reflect deterioration in overall economic performance. If monopoly power increases, or firms (like banks) develop better methods of exploiting ordinary consumers, it will show up as higher profits and, when capitalized, as an increase in financial wealth.
But when this happens, of course, societal wellbeing and economic efficiency fall, even as officially measured wealth rises. We simply do not take into account the corresponding diminution of the value of human capital – the wealth of workers.
Moreover, if banks succeed in using their political influence to socialize losses and retain more and more of their ill-gotten gains, the measured wealth in the financial sector increases. We do not measure the corresponding diminution of taxpayers’ wealth. Likewise, if corporations convince the government to overpay for their products (as the major drug companies have succeeded in doing), or are given access to public resources at below-market prices (as mining companies have succeeded in doing), reported financial wealth increases, though the wealth of ordinary citizens does not.

ここでスティグリッツは、以前紹介したポリティコ論説におけるのと同様に、現在の米国型資本主義において「ゲームの規則」が操作されていることを厳しく弾劾している(そうした資本主義を「エセ資本主義(ersatz capitalism)」と呼んでいる)。そして、ゲームの規則を正せば、20世紀半ばの高成長が皆に共有された中流社会への復帰も可能だ、としている。その点でこれは21世紀の資本の問題ではなく、21世紀の民主主義の問題なのだ、と指摘してスティグリッツは論説を締め括っている。

*1:ここで紹介したように、Matt Rognlieも少し前にこの“パズル”について指摘した。