2010年11月15日付けのバーナンキ宛ての公開書簡(邦訳1、邦訳2)から4年が経ち、米経済が回復している現況――企業の債務は低下する一方で利益は最高益を記録し、失業率は書簡当時の9.8%から6.1%に低下*1、S&Pは2009年3月9日時点からほぼ3倍になった――を受けて、ブルームバーグが書簡の署名者にインタビューを敢行している(H/T クルーグマン[ブログ記事、論説])。署名者23人のうち、ロナルド・マッキノンはこの記事の掲載日の前日の10/1に亡くなったが*2、9人がインタビューに答えたという。9人とも書簡で示された立場を堅持したとの由。
ジム・グラント、Grant's Interest Rate Observer誌発行人、電話インタビュー:
“People say, you guys are all wrong because you predicted inflation and it hasn’t happened. I think there’s plenty of inflation -- not at the checkout counter, necessarily, but on Wall Street.”
“The S&P 500 might be covering its fixed charges better, it might be earning more Ebitda, but that’s at the expense of other things, including the people who saved all their lives and are now earning nothing on their savings.”
“That to me is the principal distortion, is the distortion of the credit markets. The central bankers have in deeds, if not exactly in words -- although I think there have been some words as well -- have prodded people into riskier assets than they would have had to purchase in the absence of these great gusts of credit creation from the central banks. It’s the question of suitability.”
“The letter mentioned several things -- the risk of inflation, employment, it would destroy financial markets, complicate the Fed’s effort to normalize monetary police -- and all have happened.”
“This is the slowest recovery we’ve ever had. Working-age employment is lower now than at the end of the recession.”
“Where is the evidence that it worked? It’s just not there.”
政策が機能したという証拠はどこにある? それは一切存在しない。
“The clever thing forecasters do is never give a number and a date. They are going to generate an uptick in core inflation. They are going to go above 2 percent. I don’t know when, but they will.”
“Though generally regarded by a cause for celebration (even by those commentators who otherwise lament increasing inequality), this bull market has been accompanied by significant financial market distortions, just as we foresaw.”
“Note that word ‘risk.’ And note the absence of a date. There is in fact still a risk of currency debasement and inflation.”
“The letter was correct as stated.”
“I’ve observed that credit is flowing heavily to well-established borrowers. This has worsened income inequality and asset inequality going on in the economy. You’re looking at the companies that got credit. The problem is the new businesses that didn’t get credit. The facts are that private sector credit growth has been slow. It is a zero sum process where each corporate bond issue was money that otherwise might have gone to a new business or a small business.”
“Inflation could come, and many of us are concerned that the nation is not prepared.”
“The rule with inflation is ‘first do no harm.’ So you always want to be careful.”
“All of us, I think, who signed the letter have never seen anything like what’s happened here.”
“This recovery we’ve had since the end of 2009 has been by far the slowest we’ve had in the last 50 years.”
“I think everything has panned out. We should probably be more cautious about the timing. Economists should always be cautious about the timing. Timing is close to totally unpredictable.”
“The economy is growing. If the Fed doesn’t ease money growth into it, inflation could arrive.”
“If interest rates are low, it means a large portion of the population was made poor because passive income declined.”
“If you take a look at the economy, I think that the economy has grown in line with the growth in population and the growth in income. I would argue that the bulk of this QE money never reached the economy.”
“Someone’s got to prove to me that inflation did not increase in the areas where the Fed put the money. We know where they put the money. And we know where they put the money prices went up dramatically. And we also know the consumer price index does not pick up either of those price increases. Housing prices are not in the CPI and fixed income prices are not in the CPI. So how do you know that QE benefited the economy?”
他の署名者は回答をしなかった、もしくは回答を拒否したとのことだが、 エリオット・マネジメントのポール・シンガーは、7月の投資家向けのレターで、FRBの分析で認識もしくは把握されていない領域で著しいインフレが起きている、と述べたとの由。
*2:cf. Free Exchange記事、ビジネスウィーク記事、スタンフォード学内ニュース記事。