
デロングが自戒の意味を込めて、クルーグマン「The Return of Depression Economics」(1999年*1)に対する当時の書評を再掲している。自戒の意味を込めて、というのは、以下の記述が誤っていたことを本人も認めているためである。

But at this point Krugman doesn't have all the answers. For while the fact of regular, moderate inflation would certainly boost aggregate demand for products made in Japan, the expectation of inflation would cause an adverse shift in aggregate supply: firms and workers would demand higher prices and wages in anticipation of the inflation they expected would occur, and this increase in costs would diminish how much real production and employment would be generated by any particular level of aggregate demand.
Would the benefits on the demand side from the fact of regular moderate inflation outweigh the costs on the supply side of a general expectation that Japan is about to resort to deliberate inflationary finance? Probably. I'm with Krugman on this one. But it is just a guess--it is not my field of expertise--I would want to spend a year examining the macroeconomic structure of the Japanese economy in detail before I would be willing to claim even that my guess was an informed guess.
And there is another problem. Suppose that investors do not see the fact of inflation--suppose that Japan does not adopt inflationary finance--but that a drumbeat of advocates claiming that inflation is necessary causes firms and workers to mark up prices and wages. Then we have the supply-side costs but not the demand-side benefits, and so we are worse off than before.
一定の緩やかな現実のインフレがもたらす需要側の恩恵は、日本が敢えてインフレ金融という手段に訴えようとするという一般の予想が供給側に課すコストを上回るだろうか? おそらく。私はその点についてはクルーグマンに同意する。しかしそれは推測に過ぎない。私はその分野の専門家ではない。私の推測が情報に基づいていると主張するためだけにでも、1年掛けて日本経済のマクロ経済構造を詳細に調べたいところである。


Be that as it may, it’s quite ironic given recent events that some critics of the old paper warned that higher expected inflation might get built into wage and price setting — because that’s what you *want* to happen. It’s a feature, not a bug.
Indeed, the biggest problem with Abenomics — which is the closest thing we’ve seen yet to an attempt to bootstrap an economy out of the liquidity trap by promising higher inflation — is precisely that so far inflation expectations, while they have moved asset markets, haven’t translated into sufficiently higher inflation in the real economy. The idea that inflation promises might go directly into prices is a hope, not a worry.


  1. 流動性の罠の経済学(大恐慌の経済学)が極めて反直観的であること
  2. 1970年代の教訓が鮮明過ぎて、スタグフレーションへの懸念があまりにも強いこと
    • 実際には2008年以降の世界経済の危機は1970年代に比べて遥かに悪いにも関わらず


The Return of Depression Economics and the Crisis of 2008

The Return of Depression Economics and the Crisis of 2008



*2:ちなみにデロングもワルドマンのエントリをEquitable Growthブログで取り上げている