
というNBER論文が上がっている(ungated版)。原題は「Testing Asset Pricing Theory on Six Hundred Years of Stock Returns: Prices and Dividends for the Bazacle Company from 1372 to 1946」で、著者はDavid le Bris(KEDGE ビジネススクール)、William N. Goetzmann(イェール大)、Sébastien Pouget(トゥールーズ大)。

We use the Bazacle company of Toulouse's unique historical experience as a laboratory to test asset pricing theory. The Bazacle company is the earliest documented shareholding corporation. Founded in 1372 and nationalized in 1946, it was a grain milling firm for most of its 600 year history. We collect share prices and dividends over its entire lifespan. The average dividend yield in real terms was slightly in excess of is 5% per annum, while the long-term price growth was near zero.

The company's unique full-payout dividend policy allows us to estimate an asset pricing model with fundamentally persistent dividends and a time-varying risk correction. The model is not rejected by the data. Variations in expected future dividends are found to explain between one-sixth and one-third of variations in prices. Moreover, the risk correction is correlated with macroeconomic shocks, in particular with the volatility of grain prices.


フランスには、ガロンヌ川のバザクル水車と呼ばれた会社が今も存続している。この会社は850年ごろに粉ひきの水車小屋が造られ、1150年には株式に分割して売り出した。まさに株(share)である。取引所もない中で、1400年以降の株価データを残し後にパリ株式取引所に上場もされたが、ウィリアム・バーンスタインに言わせると1946年に「歴史の重みにも、資本市場にも敬意を払わないフランス政府」によって国有化されてしまった。現在はEDF Bazacleというトゥールーズの電力会社となって観光コースのひとつになっている。

Roughly speaking, the term persistence in time series context is often related to the notion of memory properties of time series. To put it another way, you have a persistent time series process if the effect of infinitesimally (very) small shock will be influencing the future predictions of your time series for a very long time.