WCIブログの3/27エントリでNick Roweが、貨幣の流通の停滞を自動車の交通の停滞に喩えた。具体的には、ロータリー(彼はこれをヴィクセル的ロータリー[Wicksellian roundabout]と呼ぶ)を多くの車が等速度・等間隔でぐるぐると回っている時に、ある車が一時的に減速した影響がさざ波のように広がり、連鎖反応ですべての車が減速し、中には止まってしまう車も出てくる、というイメージを提示している。Roweがこれをモデル化するのは自分の力量に余る、と書いたところ、同エントリのコメント欄では同様の発想に基づく論文のリンクが提供された(より最新の版はこちら)。論文の著者はシカゴ大のJennifer LaOで、タイトルは「A Traffic Jam Theory of Recessions」。
I construct a dynamic economy in which agents are interconnected: the output produced by one agent is the consumption good of another. I show that this economy can generate recessions which resemble traffic jams. At the micro level, each individual agent waits for his own income to increase before he increases his spending. However, his spending behavior affects the income of another agent. Thus, the spending behavior of agents during recessions resembles the stop-and-go behavior of vehicles during traffic jams. Furthermore, these traffic jam recessions are not caused by large aggregate shocks. Instead, in certain parts of the parameter space, a small pertubation or individual shock is amplified as its impact cascades from one agent to another. These dynamics eventually result in a stable recessionary equilibrium in which aggregate output, consumption, and employment remain low for many periods. Thus, much like in traffic james, agents cannot identify any large exogenous shock that caused the recession. Finally, I provide conditions under which these traffic jam recessions are most likely to occur.