

Region: ...by 1980, it seems, your focus had changed to the limits of and alternatives to the standard model. ....What led to that transition from the traditional model?

Thaler: ...I went to a conference and met a couple of psychologists, Baruch Fischhoff and Paul Slovic, who introduced me to the work of Kahneman and Tversky. I read K&T’s research, got excited about it and set out to meet them.
I arranged to spend a year at Stanford, at NBER West, ’77, ’78 because Kahneman and Tversky were going to be there.
You’re right—my thesis was purely neoclassical.
I begged and pleaded with anyone I could find at Stanford who could give me a job for a year. Finally, Victor Fuchs, the great health economist, took me under his very tall wing—he’s about 6’6”—and put me on his grant. Originally, it was just for the fall semester, but then I sweet-talked him into a longer stay.
I spent that year out there with Kahneman just up the hill at the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences and Tversky down on campus in the psychology department. I took a course from him, Tversky, but spent hundreds of hours talking to both of them and taking walks with them. They didn’t know anything about economics. I didn’t know anything about psychology, so there were gains from trade. And so it was really that year, ’77-’78, that I decided, all right, I’m going to do this.

