
という点について、昨年の10月(cf. 関連エントリにリンクした当時のMarcus Nunesエントリ)に続き、サムナーとRoweが論争している。以下はサムナーによる両者の意見の違いのまとめ

...So I like to imagine a world with a MOE and MOA that are different. No more barter. And also assume flexible prices between the MOA and MOE. Prices are sticky in terms of the MOA, but a varying amount of MOE is needed for transactions. Real world analogies might be with US dollars as the MOA and Zimbabwe dollars as the MOE, or gold as the MOA, and silver coins as the MOE. Let’s do the latter.

Assume once again that the demand for gold rises, and gold become more valuable in terms of both silver and all other goods. Assume the equilibrium value of silver in terms of all other goods is unchanged. Recall that prices are denominated in terms of gold, the MOA. Thus something that used to cost 1 silver coin might now cost two. Because the quantity of silver is unchanged, and thus it’s relative value in terms of goods is unchanged, this is a negative demand shock. But there are two ways to visualize this case:

a. The MOA got more valuable while nothing happened in the MOE market; hence the MOA is the key variable. (My view)

b. The stock of MOE measured in terms of gold has fallen in half, thus it’s a MOE shock that causes the recession. (Nick’s view.)

I think in terms of the quantity of MOE, whereas Nick thinks in terms of the value (in MOA terms) of the MOE.

  • 価値の尺度はより高価値となる半面、交換の媒介の市場では何も起きない。従って、価値の尺度こそが重要な変数である。(私[=サムナー]の解釈)
  • 金で測った交換の媒介の総量は半減する。従って、不況を引き起こすのは交換の媒介についての衝撃である。(Nickの見方)



Scott: “2. I assume the market for the MOA is in equilibrium (in terms of the MOE.) And in that case I’m pretty sure that I am right. A huge rise in the demand for gold makes the silver price of gold soar. That reduces the stock of MOE when priced in MOA terms. Since goods are priced in MOA terms, that’s very deflationary. QED?”

We are on the same page. I would say it differently. ‘A huge rise in demand for gold makes the silver price of gold soar, which reduces the real stock of MOE when priced in MOA terms, which creates an excess demand for MOE/excess supply of all other goods that have sticky prices, which is a recession’.


