裏を返せば、国債への過剰な信用の結果生じる国債バブルは貨幣バブルの延長(もしくはその逆)、ということになる。その点を指摘したのがNick Roweのこのブログエントリで、そこで彼は以下のように書いている。
A bubble in house prices is a bad thing. It will cause over-investment in building new houses, under-investment in other things, and under-consumption. A bubble in bond prices is a much worse thing. It will cause under-investment in everything, and under-consumption in everything, because it causes under-employment of everything. That's because bonds and money are close substitutes. A bubble in bonds causes a bubble in money. And a bubble in money can cause a bubble in bonds. Or perhaps they are just different aspects of the same bubble, in both money and bonds.
It's not the bubble in bonds per se that is the big problem. If there were only a bubble in bonds, and no bubble in money, it would be no worse than a bubble in houses. It might lead to the wrong mix of real investment and consumption (presumably too little real investment and too much consumption, due to a wealth effect). It's when a bubble in bonds spills over into a bubble in money, the medium of exchange, that we get a big problem. An excess demand for the medium of exchange is what causes, and is the only thing that can cause, a general glut of all goods. And that causes employment and output to fall, and both consumption and investment to fall.
That's why we should be worried about the bond bubble.
Scott says "...it’s almost impossible to imagine a shock that would be expected to promote both a higher risk premium and a faster recovery.". I disagree. I find it very easy to imagine a shock that would promote both a higher risk premium on US government bonds and a faster recovery: the shock would be for the Fed to do something like what Scott wants it to do -- target NGDP. With currently tight monetary policy, US government bonds (and money) look safe relative to other assets. With a looser monetary policy, other assets would look less risky relative to US government bonds (and money).
Nick, Yes, I confused "risk premium" with "default risk." I suppose my (lame) excuse is that lots of people out in the real world who worry about the national debt were also thinking in terms of default risk. But you are right.