1/5エントリでクルーグマンが景気循環を扱うマクロ経済学者がイデオロギーに囚われている、と腐したのに対し、例によってStephen Williamsonが反論した。クルーグマンが槍玉に挙げた大物経済学者――サージェント、プレスコット、ルーカス――の発言を一通り弁護した後、マクロ経済学者がイデオロギーに囚われていない証拠として以下のように書いている。
Since Krugman brought up Sargent's name, it's useful to read this New York Times article, written after Sargent got his Nobel prize. Here's a good quote:
He doesn’t wear his political opinions on his sleeve. “They really don’t matter in my research,” he said. But because others have applied labels to him, he decided it was worth setting the record straight. He’s a Democrat, he said, “a fiscally conservative, socially liberal Democrat,”
That would be an accurate description of my politics, actually. Sargent goes on:
“If you go to seminars with guys who are actually doing the work and are trying to figure things out, it’s not ideological,” he said. “Half the people in the room may be Democrats and half may be Republicans. It just doesn’t matter.”
Excellent. That describes my experience exactly.
Apparently Krugman thinks that the theoretical apparatus that came out of Lucas's and Prescott's work is somehow ideologically biased. How could that be? Take Lucas's Expectations and the Neutrality of Money paper, for example. The basic model he works from is Samuelson's overlapping generations model. Do you think Samuelson was a Republican? When Kydland and Prescott wrote Time to Build and Aggregate Fluctuations, they were basically tweaking a well-developed modeling framework that came from the work of Solow, Cass, Koopmans, Brock, and Mirman. It's highly likely that none of those people were/are Republicans.
クルーグマンは、ルーカスやプレスコットの研究から出てきた理論的ツールがイデオロギーに何らかの形で偏向していると考えているようだ。どうしてそんなことが有り得ようか? ルーカスの期待と貨幣の中立性の論文を例に取ろう。この研究のベースとなっているモデルはサミュエルソンの世代重複モデルだ。サミュエルソンが共和党員だったとでも言うのかね? キドランドとプレスコットが構築に掛かる時間と総変動を書いた時、彼らがやったことは、基本的にソロー、キャス*1、クープマンス*2、ブロック、マーマン*3の研究で築かれた優れたモデルの枠組みに少し捻りを加えた、というものだった。彼らの中に共和党員は一人も居なかった、ということも十分に有り得る。
なお、コメント欄で「fiscally conservative socially liberal」とはどういうことか、と問われたWilliamsonは、以下のように回答している。
Well, Sargent said it, so I can't speak for him. My interpretation, since I told you that seemed to fit where I sit, is:
1. Fiscal conservatism: On activist countercyclical fiscal policy, my sympathies are more with Friedman than with Keynes. Also, the tax system has important incentive effects we have to worry about.
2. Social liberalism: People should be allowed to marry who they please, and have abortions if they want them. I think government-provided health insurance is a good idea.