
エージェントベースモデル(ABM*1)の使用を主唱した論文に、Economic Logicのブログ主がぶち切れている


...the claim that agent-based computing is any better is ludicrous. Modern macroeconomic theory is abundant in models with heterogeneous agents, learning, information issues, and perturbations. While agent-based models can potentially offer all this, they do it in a very ad hoc fashion. the modeler has to set how agents behave, and you can obtain virtually any results depending on what you assume. Sadly, there is very little effort devoted to relate the assumption with anything found in reality. The calibration based on some data is virtually absent, thus nothing can be learned. Unless you put some discipline in those models, they are useless. And once they have that discipline, I guess they are going to be quite close to heterogeneous DSGE models.


*1:cf. Wikipedia