9/29エントリで紹介したロイターレポートに“端役”として出演していたベノワ・クーレECB理事が、そのレポートの主題である南欧の国債購入計画(OMT)に絡めて、昨日のエントリで取り上げた中央銀行から見た財政政策というテーマについて話している(Mainly Macro経由)。
The first concern can be summed up in two questions: are OMTs a form of monetary financing of governments and will inflation be unleashed? The answer to both questions is: No. In fact, quite the opposite. OMTs will be conducive to the monetary authority restoring its power to control credit conditions in the euro area and, through that channel, inflation in the medium term. It thus creates the conditions for a transition from a regime of undisciplined fiscal policies – from a “non-Ricardian” or “active” fiscal policy, using the terminology of the economic literature referred to above – to a regime where fiscal policy respects its inter-temporal obligations – it becomes “Ricardian”, or “passive”. This means that monetary policy has regained its pre-eminence in determining credit conditions and inflation. This renewed assignment of tasks pushes back fiscal dominance and affirms monetary dominance.
最初の懸念は2つの質問に集約されます:OMTは政府財政のファイナンスなのか、および、インフレが解き放たれるのか? その2つの質問への解答は:ノーです。実際のところは、その正反対です。OMTは金融当局がユーロ圏のクレジットの状況をコントロールする力を取り戻す助けとなり、それによって、中期的にはインフレをコントロールする力を取り戻す助けとなります。従って、OMTは、規律を欠いた財政政策――前述の経済学の用語を用いるならば「非リカード的」ないし「能動的」財政政策――のレジームから、財政政策が通時的な義務を尊重するレジーム――財政政策が「リカード的」ないし「受動的」になるレジーム――に遷移する条件を整えるのです。それが意味するのは、金融政策がクレジットの状況やインフレを決定するに当たっての主導的な地位を取り戻す、ということです。この新たな仕事を引き受けることにより、財政優位は後退し、金融優位が確立されます。
・・・central bank independence and a clear focus on price stability are necessary but not sufficient to ensure that the central bank can provide a regime of low and stable inflation under all circumstances – in the economic jargon, ensuring “monetary dominance”. Maintaining price stability also requires appropriate fiscal policy. To borrow from Leeper’s terminology, this means that an “active” monetary policy – namely a monetary policy that actively engages in the setting of its policy interest rate instrument independently and in the exclusive pursuit of its objective of price stability – must be accompanied by “passive” fiscal policy. A passive fiscal policy means that the fiscal authority must be ready and willing to adjust its policy stance (revenues and primary spending) in such a way as to stabilise its debt at any level of the interest rate that the central bank may choose. Or, to put it another way, borrowing from Woodford’s terminology, fiscal policy needs to be “Ricardian”.