
一昨日のエントリで紹介したハンプル・チェコ中央銀行総裁の講演では、レイ・フアン・カルロス大学のフィリップ・バガスによるユーロに対する共有地の悲劇の喩えが引用されていたが、そのバガス自身による論考「The Tragedy of the Euro」が、The Independent Instituteという米国の保守系シンクタンクの発行する機関誌The Independent Reviewの2011年春号に掲載されているMostly Economics経由)*1


The concept of external effects and the tragedy of the commons can be applied fruitfully to the case of money. Base-money production is organized monopolistically through central banks in our modern monetary systems. Because property rights in money have not been defended, fiat money imposes on the population external costs in the form of a lower purchasing power of money.
The EMU is a unique case because it represents a genuine tragedy of the commons in base-money production. Member states in the EMU to some extent can externalize the costs of reckless fiscal behavior. Any government whose bonds are accepted as collateral by the ECB can use the central bank to finance its expenditures indirectly. The costs of this strategy are in part externalized to other countries when the newly created money bids up prices throughout the monetary union.
This process results in a tragedy of the commons because any government can indirectly use the ECB to finance its deficits. Each government has an incentive to accumulate higher deficits than the rest of the EMU because its costs can be externalized. Therefore, the Eurosystem has an inbuilt tendency toward continual losses of its currency’s purchasing power, which might finally result in the euro’s complete collapse. Notwithstanding the independence given to the ECB and the SGP, they have failed to manage the commons so far, resulting in the current sovereign-debt crisis. Both of these shields against fiscal deficits have proved to be ineffective. The Eurosystem offers an incentive for even traditionally fiscally conservative countries to forgo their fiscal discipline.
For now, a €750 billion bailout plan and the ECB initiative to buy government bonds have stopped the rise of bond yields and contained the danger of sovereign insolvency. Yet the same incentives remain in place, and the euro’s future remains bleak. For the euro to survive, the self-destructive tendencies of the tragedy of the commons must be contained. Government deficits must be controlled and effectively restricted by credible sanctions and penalties.

ちなみにドラギの宿敵となった感のあるドイツ連銀総裁のイェンス・ヴァイトマン*2は、9/18講演で、ゲーテファウストを引用して、不換紙幣の危険性を警告している(H/T Mostly Economicsエントリファウストと不換紙幣の関係については、例えばこちらのサイトでの「資本主義は嫌いですか―それでもマネーは世界を動かす」からの引用を参照)。


The Tragedy of the Euro

The Tragedy of the Euro

*2:cf. ここ、およびこのMostly Economicsエントリ