The Federal funds rate, FF, moves strongly toward the Fed’s target, TF, but other rates show little day-to-day convergence to TF. When the Fed changes TF, it moves toward existing short rates. This suggests a passive Fed that follows the market, but it is also consistent with an active Fed that controls rates and rates adjust to reflect predictable changes in TF. When TF changes, short rates move toward the new TF. This is consistent with a Fed that controls short rates or a Fed that has no control but is an informed investor whose signals affect rates.
Strong statements about Federal Reserve control of interest rates are common. This is puzzling since the Fed is not an unusually large player in financial markets. In recent years total U.S. credit market debt, as reported in Federal Reserve Flow of Funds tables, is in excess of $50 trillion. Prior to the financial crisis of 2008, total financial assets held by the Fed are less than $1 trillion, or less than two percent of the U.S. market. In response to the financial crisis of 2008, total financial assets held by the Fed jump to over $2 trillion and are almost $2.5 trillion at the end of 2010. This is huge by historical standards, but still less than five percent of the U.S. market. Several large banks (J.P. Morgan Chase, Bank of America, Citibank, Wells Fargo.) have balance sheets comparable in size to the Fed’s. Moreover, the U.S. credit market sits in a large international market that is open to major participants around the world, and big players can and do operate across markets. In this context, it seems implausible that the Fed has a major role in determining U.S. interest rates, except to the extent that it can affect expected inflation. It seems more implausible that in an open international bond market, multiple central banks can separately control interest rates in their local markets.
There is a counterargument, common in macroeconomics. The Fed is a small player in financial markets, but it has a special role. The Fed can control the supply of money, defined here as the monetary base – currency plus reserves held against deposits. There is an indirect demand for the monetary base because of the transactions services from currency as a hand-to-hand medium of exchange and the access reserves provide to the accounting system of exchange maintained by banks.