- 価値の尺度
- 価値の貯蔵
- 交換の媒体
The Fed is a monopolist in the market for base money: no other institution is allowed to print paper currency that’s legal tender, or create electronic reserves that satisfy reserve requirements. Although base money is a relatively small market (about $1 trillion pre-QE), it has a dramatic effect on the rest of the economy because prices are quoted in money, in much the same way that Snickers bars would become pivotal if prices were quoted and transactions conducted in units of candy. By wielding its monopoly power in this market, the Fed can change a key rate (the federal funds rate) that determines the cost of credit across the economy.
At the zero lower bound, however, base money is no different from all other short-term, riskless assets. And that’s a much larger market, one that’s no longer dominated by the Fed…When it’s purchasing assets at the zero lower bound, the Fed is participating in a market that’s fundamentally different from the market in which it usually intervenes—a market that’s far bigger, in which the Fed is no longer a monopoly player.
You focus on the safe asset, store of value role of base money. I look at it from a medium of exchange perspective. Here, the size of the market the Fed faces doesn’t fundamentally change at the 0% bound. Both above and below 0%, other entities beside the Fed create money assets (e.g. checking account, money market accounts, repos) that can serve as a medium of exchange. This doesn’t change. The Fed’s role in both cases is to use its control of the monetary base to properly shape expectations so that there is sufficient money assets created to meet money demand.
What does change at the 0% bound is the demand for the medium of exchange. It is highly elevated and will not be satiated by the Fed simply buying up t-bills. Since the money demand is a function of an entire spectrum of interest rates and is not being satiated with the Fed purchasing short-term securities, the Fed has to move on to the other assets affecting money demand. QE2 was a step in that direction, but was not very effective because it never committed, either explicitly or implicitly through a level target, to buying up enough assets to satiate money demand. Ultimately, the Fed failed to sufficiently signal a determination and resolve to satiate money demand. It could do that through a price level or nominal GDP level target.
- 信頼すべき目標政策が存在する場合にはゼロ金利下限においても何らかの政策効果が得られるという点に関しては双方が合意していると思われるが、ベックワースは
- 大規模な資産購入による効果を(Rognlieに比べ)高く見積もっているようだ
- 名目GDP目標政策が存在しない場合にもそうした資産購入の効果は(減じるとは言え)存在すると考えているようだ
*1:[8/22追記]そのエントリでリンクしているように、ここでの議論は3ヶ月前のベックワースのエントリ(邦訳)での議論を受けている(その3ヶ月前の議論の関連エントリはすべて道草で翻訳されている[きっかけとなったタイラー・コーエンのエントリ、コーエンへのRognlieの反論、ベックワースのエントリでの議論を受けたJosh Hendricksonのエントリ])。そこでは量的緩和にポートフォリオ・バランス効果が存在することでは双方の合意を見たものの、ゼロ金利においてそれがどの程度効果があるか、という点では意見の違いが残った。今回のエントリはその点に関しRognlie側の議論を深めたもの、と言える。
*2:[追記]後述のベックワースのコメントを受けてRognlieは「前二者の機能を重視」と書いたが、良く考えてみるとこのエントリでRognlieが強調しているのは一番目の価値の尺度の機能だけであり、価値の貯蔵については触れていない。価値の貯蔵と交換の媒体のどちらの機能を重視するかという話は、むしろ準マネタリストとデロングとの間の争点である(cf. このエントリ)。