Translating Empire: Emulation and the Origins of Political Economy
- 作者: Sophus A. Reinert
- 出版社/メーカー: Harvard University Press
- 発売日: 2011/10/17
- メディア: ハードカバー
- 購入: 1人 クリック: 16回
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ハーバード・ビジネス・スクールのサイトでこの本の著者インタビューが掲載されている(Mostly Economics経由)。以下はその要旨。
A British merchant's long-forgotten work, An Essay on the State of England, could lead to a rethinking of how modern economies developed in Europe and America, and add historical perspective on the proper relationship between government and business. An interview with business historian Sophus A. Reinert. Key concepts include:
•Like sifting through archaeological layers, the various translations of John Cary's influential but all-but-forgotten Essay on the State of England reveal how his ideas both influenced and were modified in the economic development of Western nations.
•Many modern scholars view the emergence of the modern political economy through a lens of laissez-faire, when in fact government interventions during the 1700s were frequent and determined. The reigning idioms of political economy, its proposals, and their implementation in the eighteenth century were very different from the ideas later celebrated by the economics profession.(拙訳)
長く忘れられていたある英国商人の本「英国の状況に関するエッセイ(An Essay on the State of England)」は、欧米で近代経済がどのように発展してきたかについて再考するきっかけになると同時に、政府と企業の適切な関係について歴史的観点を付け加えてくれる。商業経済史家のSophus A. Reinertとのインタビュー。重要なポイントは:
- John Caryの影響力を持ったが今は忘れ去られた「英国の状況に関するエッセイ」の様々な翻訳を考古学者が地層を分け入るように調べることにより、彼の考えがいかに西洋諸国の経済の発展に影響すると同時に修正されていったかが明らかとなった。
- 多くの現代の学者は近代的な政治経済の出現をレッセフェールのレンズを通して解釈するが、実際には18世紀に政府の介入は頻繁に確固たる形で実施されていた。
ちなみにその1695年にJohn Caryによって書かれた本というのがこちら:
- 作者: John Cary
- 出版社/メーカー: Eebo Editions, Proquest
- 発売日: 2010/12/13
- メディア: ペーパーバック
- クリック: 10回
- この商品を含むブログ (1件) を見る
Cary laid out a powerful case for how England, through muscular government intervention in economic affairs, could create national wealth based on manufacturing. This production would be fueled by an imperialistic British Empire, which through its expansion would provide the needed raw materials.
The book proved extremely persuasive at home and also abroad after being translated into French, Italian, and German. Government leaders and policymakers in each of these countries were influenced by the Essay's key idea that government should be a dominant player in helping shape economic development.
Of particular interest to Reinert is that modern-day economists and historians seemed to have forgotten this fact. "Where the consensus today is that eighteenth-century economists believed that free trade would bring peace and prosperity to all, the mainstream of political economy at the time was actually preoccupied with how trade could be a form of conquest and how political communities could best nurture and encourage their industries against foreign competitors."
We are stuck now, not only in the United States but in many European countries, in a polarized polemic in which pundits and politicians alike suggest to us that the essential question of political economy is one of choosing between planning and laissez-faire, between Stalin and Ayn Rand, between stupidity and intelligence. This is as specious as it is dangerous. The encouragement and regulation of economic life has been a mainstay of civilization since the dawn of written history. There have been periods of dogmatic laissez-faire before, though never on the scale we have experimented with since the 1980s, and it must be said, they have tended to end in famine, bankruptcies, and social unrest. Governmental interventions can of course create much mischief, but they have also nurtured practically every economic miracle we know of, from the commercial revolution in Renaissance Italy to the nineteenth-century USA to South Korea in the 1960s and contemporary China. This does not mean that governments always know what they are doing, far from it, but it does indicate that our debates should be over what sort of interventions and what level of regulation is appropriate in a given context rather than whether regulation itself is a moral good or evil.