
先週はロバート・カトナーの「債務者監獄(Debtors’ Prison)」と題されたコラムが話題を呼んだ。以下はその前半部からの抜粋。

Economic history is filled with bouts of financial euphoria followed by painful mornings after. When nations awake saddled with debts incurred to finance wars, episodes of failed speculation, or grand projects that haven’t paid off, they have two choices. Either the creditor class prevails at the expense of everyone else, or governments find ways to reduce the debt burden so that the productive power of the economy can recover.
Creditors—the rentier class in classic usage—are usually the wealthy and the powerful. Debtors, almost by definition, have scant resources or power. The “money issue” of 19-thcentury America, about whether credit would be cheap or dear, was also a battle between growth and austerity.
The creditor class views anything less than full debt repayment as the collapse of economic civilization. In fact, however, debts are often not paid in full....
Sometimes, debts simply cannot be paid. That’s why debtors’ prison was a ruinous idea (except as a deterrent). The real issue is how to restructure debt when it becomes impossible to repay. This is not just a struggle between haves and have-nots but between the claims of the past and the potential of the future.
Bankruptcy ingeniously provides orderly relief from past debt so that the productive enterprise is not needlessly destroyed....
American business values the bankruptcy system for its own purposes, even though investors occasionally take a bath. But the same business elite looks askance when others—homeowners, small nations, the entire economic system—seek relief from punishing and economically perverse debt. It is no accident that one of the most astute critics of how the financial collapse has privileged creditors at the expense of everyone else is a leading bankruptcy expert, Professor Elizabeth Warren.

このコラムにクルーグマン反応したほか*1Adam Levitin、マイク・コンツァル(ここここ)、Naked Capitalismマット・イグレシアスInterfluidityAsymptosisといったところが反応している。



さらにNaked Capitalismのイブ・スミスは、これまでは債務を償却しない悪い手本として日本が良く引き合いに出されていたが、いまひとつ説得力を欠いていた、それに対しカトナーは別の例――第一次世界大戦後のドイツなど――を示した、という妙な評価を示している。曰く:

The usual poster child for “why not writing down debts is a bad idea” is Japan, but that isn’t gripping enough to evoke the right responses. Even though its post-bubble growth has been dreadful, Japan is still a well-run, tidy country with a low crime rate, universal health care, long life expectancy, and tolerable unemployment. That in turn is due to factors that do not obtain much of anywhere else: Japan was very cohesive to begin with, and its elites chose to have their incomes fall relative to everyone else to save jobs. Wage compression at large companies has increased dramatically. This is the polar opposite of what has happened in the rest of the world, where the gap between the haves and the have-nots has widened.

Kuttner provides another set of examples as to why we need to get the creditor boot off all our necks...


*2:ちなみにカトナー自身はインフレという方策について「Debt can be reduced or renounced in ways that are constructive or that add to the chaos. Inflation, for instance, is one way of eroding debt, and a risky one.(債務を削減ないし放棄するのは建設的なやり方もあるし、混乱に輪を掛けるやり方もある。例えばインフレは債務を減らす一つの方法であるが、リスクのある方法でもある。)」という微妙な書き方をしている。