昨日に引き続きボール=マンキューの「A Sticky-Price Manifesto」論文から興味深い記述をピックアップしてみる。今日はRBC理論への反論にオッカムの剃刀を持ち出した部分。論理としてはクルーグマンやデロングが持ち出しても何ら不思議ではないことをかつてマンキューが書いていたのが興味深い。
Why does it matter that monetary non-neutrality and price stickiness are part of a long tradition in economics? Scientific truths, unlike legal decisions, are not determined by appeals to authority. There was once a long tradition asserting that the sun revolves around the earth, but that tradition did not stop the heliocentric solar system from becoming the reigning paradigm.
The answer, I believe, is Occam's razor. Occam's razor is the philosophical premise that if several competing theories are consistent with the facts, the simplest one is probably right. The heretics would have us believe that the Fed is an institution with little power. Yet, somehow, the entire economics profession before 1980, and the world outside the ivory tower still today, have been misled into thinking the Fed is a powerful force controlling the economy. Occam's razor suggests that such a contorted theory should be viewed with skepticism.
It is noteworthy that Occam's razor is sometimes used implicitly to argue in favor of heretical theories, such as real business cycle theory. Real business cycle theory takes a standard model of economic growth - the Ramsey model - and applies it to study economic fluctuations. Indeed, the primary appeal of early real business cycle theory was its parsimony. Yet, over time, real business cycle theory has found itself deviating more and more from standard growth models. Real business cycle theorists now emphasize non-convexities and home production, for example. As more epicycles are added, the theory loses the virtue of parsimony.
In our view, Occam's razor dictates that one should not dismiss a long tradition of thought without compelling reasons. Certainly, it is possible that the tradition is wrong, and that the heretical view of monetary neutrality and price flexibility will turn out to be true. But just as certainly, Occam's razor gives the heretics the burden of proof.
貨幣の非中立性と価格の粘着性が経済学の長い伝統の一部であることがなぜ重要なのか? 科学的事実は、法的な決定と異なり、権威への訴えによって決まるわけではない。かつて、太陽が地球の周りを回っていると主張する伝統が長らく存在したが、その伝統も太陽中心説が支配的なパラダイムになることを阻止し得なかった。